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jìng mì
  • quiet;tranquil;peaceful;still
静谧 [jìng mì]
  • [peaceful; quiet] 寂静;平静

  • 心境静谧

静谧[jìng mì]
  1. 胡伊镇的早晨通常一片静谧祥和。

    Mornings are usually quiet and peaceful in Hueytown .

  2. 这是上流社会家庭寻求健康和静谧的场所。

    It was a place to which genteel families came in search of health and quiet .

  3. 暮色苍茫,那个小镇笼罩在一片静谧之中。

    Quiet came over the small town at twi-light .

  4. 威伯很喜欢这时的谷仓——一切都那么静谧,安详,只等曙光的来临。

    Wilbur loved the barn when it was like this -- calm and quiet , waiting for light .

  5. 福和慧素食餐厅(FuHeHui)清幽静谧,隐身于上海车水马龙、喧嚣嘈杂的闹市区。

    Fu He Hui is a haven of stillness amid the car horns and frantic traffic of Shanghai .

  6. 在更为静谧的第16大区,嘉宾们可以惬意地入住香格里拉酒店(Shangri-LaHotel),这儿曾一度是拿破仑侄孙罗兰•波拿巴王子(PrinceRolandBonaparte)的府第。

    In the more sedate 16th arrondissement , guests can relax at the Shangri-La Hotel in a building that was once home to Prince Roland Bonaparte , great-nephew of Napoleon .

  7. 在意大利导演爱德华多·温斯皮尔(EdoardoWinspeare)的影片《静谧的幸福》(QuietBliss)的开片部分,一名厌倦了俗世喧嚣的女子带着家人搬去一片橄榄林里居住。

    AT THE START of the Italian film director Edoardo Winspeare 's " Quiet Bliss , " " a world-weary woman moves her family to live in an olive grove .

  8. 在前往ChezL’AmiJean餐馆途中,你可以在英国化的第七区享受相对的静谧气氛。ChezL’AmiJean是巴黎的第一家巴斯克餐馆,始创于80多年前。

    Enjoy the relative tranquillity as you amble through the Anglicized Seventh Arrondissement to the Basque restaurant - the first one to open in Paris , more than 80 years ago - Chez L'Ami Jean .

  9. 温斯皮尔给我找了个司机,名叫阿梅里戈·鲁索(AmerigoRusso),他颇为健谈,有着一双巧手。在《静谧的幸福》中,导演还让他出演了一个角色。我们一起驾车前往梅尔皮尼亚诺村。

    WINSPEARE FINDS ME a driver , Amerigo Russo , a chatty handyman who the director cast in " Quiet Bliss , " " and we head toward the village of Melpignano .

  10. 安妮·塞克斯顿(AnneSexton)这类诗人倾向于把什么都写进诗里,其中还有不少情色内容,似乎未经过滤,毕肖普却走向了相反的方向,相信弦外之音那种静谧的力量。

    If someone like Anne Sexton had a tendency to throw everything in , a lot of it erotic and seemingly unfiltered , Bishop tacked in the opposite direction , trusting in the hushed power of what had been left out .

  11. 在伸手不见五指的静谧午夜,有时会发生一些小插曲:或许是一个短信到来的声音,或许是iPhone手机提醒您收到新邮件的屏幕闪动,又或许是发现自己在盯着天花板,脑海中如放映电影般回顾一天的事情。

    SOMETIME in the dark stretch of the night it happens . Perhaps it 's the chime of an incoming text message . Or your iPhone screen lights up to alert you to a new e-mail . Or you find yourself staring at the ceiling , replaying the day in your head .

  12. 眼前的游艇让人感觉静谧而安详。

    The yachts in front of me made me feel peaceful .

  13. 那所古老学院的校园内一片静谧。

    It 's quiet within the precincts of the old college .

  14. 我们默默地看着,白日渐渐消融在黑夜的静谧之中。

    We watched in silence as day dissolved into nocturnal repose .

  15. 过了一会儿一切都结束了,这座山在月光下显得幽寂而静谧。

    Everyone disappeared , and the hill lay in lonely moonlight .

  16. 在静谧的一刻中,悠悠述说那个童话故事

    Tell them in a quiet moment how the fairy tale was

  17. 或者深呼吸然后想象一个静谧的场景。

    Or simply take deep breaths and imagine a calming scene .

  18. 静谧的空间,诗一般的意境&维米尔的绘画艺术

    Silent Space and Poetic Atmosphere & Johannes Vermeer 's Art

  19. 静谧的舞蹈&天竺之魂·印度古国青铜雕像

    Quiescence in the Dance : Ancient Indian Bronze Sculpture Exhibition

  20. 喜欢在欢快中游玩,而爱在静谧中沉淀。

    Favor is a baby , but love is in the quietness .

  21. 但此刻的史蒂文顿,除了轻风,只有静谧。

    But Steventon was quiet , except for the breeze .

  22. 清辉飘逸的月夜,如诗静谧,如纱朦胧。

    The moonlight elegant , tranquil poem , such as yarn unclear .

  23. 雨,湿润着静谧的夜。

    The rain , is being moist the quiet night .

  24. 那里的气氛静谧而几近安详。

    There was a quiet , almost serene quality to the atmosphere .

  25. 全图营造出一个静谧、飘然的世界。

    It is a quiet , peaceful and sublime world .

  26. 对我们来说,却没有静谧可爱的伊甸园。

    There is no silent and lovely garden of Eden for us .

  27. 一切还是那么静谧,孤独还在身边徘徊。

    Everything is so quiet , lonely still wandering around .

  28. 或是午夜乡村道路的静谧?

    Or the hush of a country road at midnight ?

  29. 这座静谧的海滨市镇是他们喜爱的过冬场所。

    This quiet seaside town is their favoured wintering spot .

  30. 这份静谧被一阵竖琴声划破了。

    It was broken by the sound of a harp .