
jìng guó shén shè
  • Yasukuni Shrine;Yasukuni Jinjia
靖国神社[jìng guó shén shè]
  1. 安倍上次参拜靖国神社是在2013年。

    Mr. Abe last visited the facility in 2013 .

  2. 日本方面表示参拜靖国神社是私人行为。

    Japan says the shrine visits were private .

  3. 安倍此举打破了七年来在任日本首相不亲自参拜靖国神社的惯例。

    The act broke an informal seven-year freeze on visits to Yasukuni by Japanese premiers .

  4. 今年,在日本首相参拜靖国神社之后,地区局势更加紧张。

    This year tensions have heightened even further after Japan 's prime minister visited a controversial shrine .

  5. 参拜靖国神社被认为是伤害日本侵略战争亚洲受害国人民感情的行径。

    Such gestures and visits to the shrine are seen as upsetting for Asian victims of Japan 's war-time aggression .

  6. 不过,中国国有媒体也对鸠山由纪夫承诺不参拜靖国神社的做法作出了积极回应。

    Still , Chinese state-controlled media has also responded positively to Mr. Hatoyama 's vow not to visit the war shrine .

  7. 声明表示,日本政客参拜靖国神社是试图否认和美化日本军国主义的战争罪行,也是企图对战后世界和平秩序提出挑战。

    The statement says the visit to the shrine by Japanese politicians is an attempt to deny and whitewash the war crimes committed by militarist Japan and challenges the post-war international order .

  8. 在谈及华盛顿方面对安倍参拜靖国神社的行为表示失望及美日同盟问题时,崔天凯表示,作为负责任的大国,华盛顿方面在重大原则问题上当然也应该有负责任的立场。

    Commenting on Washington 's expression of disappointment with Abe 's shrine visit and reiteration of its alliance with Japan , Cui Tiankai says , as a responsible power , Washington should take a responsible stand on major issues of principle .