
qīng jīn shí
  • lapis lazuli;lazurite;persian lapis;lasurite
青金石[qīng jīn shí]
  1. 古代青金石颜料的质子激发X荧光分析

    PIXE analysis of the ancient lapis lazuli pigment

  2. 因此,群青、青金石和合成群青的EPR信号应是两种硫自由基信号的重叠。

    The result indicates that the EPR signal of ultramarine , lapis lazuli and artificial ultramarine should be the overlapping signal of two kinds of sulphur free radicals .

  3. 利用质子激发X射线荧光(PIXE)、X射线衍射(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱(LRS)以及扫描电镜(SEM)技术对来自阿富汗、俄罗斯贝加尔湖等地的几个青金石样品进行了岩石矿物学特征分析。

    Proton induced X-ray emission ( PIXE ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), Laser raman spectroscopy ( LRS ) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) are used to study the mineralogy of several lapis lazuli samples from Afghanistan , Baikal of Russia and other places .

  4. 有人说,青金石有助于了解心。

    It is said that Lapis helps one understand the mind .

  5. 中国古代青金石颜料的电镜分析

    Analysis of SEM on the lapis lazuli pigment of ancient China

  6. 青金石与古代东西方文化交流

    Lazurite & Culture Exchanges Between the East and the West in Ancient Times

  7. 青金石是一种治疗忧郁和某些类型的发烧。

    Lapis was a cure for melancholy and for certain types of fever .

  8. 实验结果显示了不同质地青金石的不同成分组成和微观结构特征。

    Experimental results show that lapis lazuli specimens of different qualities have different compo - sitions and structures .

  9. 伴生矿物的种类和含量差异为探寻青金石的产地来源提供了有益的信息。

    The categories and quantities of accompanying minerals provide beneficial information for exploring the provenance of tapis lazuli .

  10. 一般能在矿物商店里找到的这类物种,有一些是萤石、蛋白石、青金石、孔雀石和玉石。

    Some of these species commonly found in mineral shops are fluorite , opals , lapis , malachite and jade .

  11. 青金石是一种罕见的天然矿石,其颜色、形色、大小与玉石、蓝宝石、绿松石非常相似。

    Lapis-lazuli is a kind of natural gem stone which quite similar in shape , color and size to Sapphires and Turquoise .

  12. 在一些被用作小佛堂的石窟中,画师用青金石蓝和土红色描绘了佛陀的一生,图案从地面延伸到窟顶。

    Some of the caves used as chapels featured floor-to-ceiling paintings in lapis blue and earth reds that depict the life of the Buddha .

  13. 青金石在古代东西经济文化交流史上占有特殊的地位。

    The object that we are talking about once had played an very important role in the history of The East and The West economic-cultural exchanges .

  14. 威尼斯的绘画因其珠光宝气的色彩而长期以来独树一帜,这些色彩的颜料中添加了碾碎的玻璃和诸如青金石的矿石,但现在他们被以全新的方式所运用,给了艺术一个生命之吻。

    Venetian painting had long been characterized by its jewel-like color-obtained by grinding colored glass and minerals-but now it was applied in a way that gave art the kiss of life .

  15. 研究了阿富汗青金石矿石、敦煌石窟青金石颜料、合成群青的呈色机理。

    This paper studies on the coloration mechanism of lapis lazuli ore ( I ) in Afghanistan , lapis lazuli pigment ( I ) and artificial ultramarine ( III ) in Dunhuang Grottoes .

  16. 第一个奖杯原名叫胜利奖杯,后来为了纪念国际足联前主席朱尔斯•雷米特而改名为雷米特杯。该奖杯为标准纯银和青金石镀金铸成,造型为希腊神话中的胜利女神——尼克。

    The first trophy , originally named Victory , but later renamed in honor of former FIFA president Jules Rimet , was made of gold plated sterling silver and lapis lazuli and depicted Nike , the Greek goddess of victory .

  17. 2000年前,这种重要性部分来自于今天的伊朗、伊拉克、阿富汗和中亚诸国出产的天然财富——白银、黄金和青金石。

    Two thousand years ago , the significance came in part because of the natural wealth - silver , gold and lapis lazuli - found in rich supply in what is now Iran , Iraq , Afghanistan and the central Asian states .