
shuǐ bà
  • dam;barrage;pen
水坝 [shuǐ bà]
  • [dam] 拦蓄或容纳堰坝上游的水体的(例如河流或水库的)坝;横贯水道建造以限制或阻止水流的障碍物

水坝[shuǐ bà]
  1. 在这里修建水坝可能会对环境造成无法预料的后果。

    Building a dam here could have unforeseeable consequences for the environment .

  2. 长江上建起了一个大型水坝。

    A huge dam has been built on the Yangtze River .

  3. 大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。

    Large dams have harmed Siberia 's delicate ecological balance .

  4. 水坝不够坚固,抵挡不住洪水。

    The dam was not strong enough to hold the floodwaters .

  5. 我们在河上建造了一个水坝作农田灌溉之用。

    We have built a barrage across the river to provide water for farming .

  6. 水坝已大功告成。

    The dam is accomplished .

  7. 许多埃塞俄比亚人将很高兴能有一些水坝。

    Many Ethiopians would be happy to have a few dams .

  8. 阿斯旺水坝有助于控制埃及的尼罗河。

    The Aswan Dam helps to control the river Nile in egypt .

  9. 如果水坝坍塌,该城的大部分将被淹没。

    If the dam breaks , it will inundate large parts of the town .

  10. 基于GPS的超长水坝垂向变形监测方法

    Study on Ultra-Long Dam Vertical Deformation Monitoring Method Based on GPS

  11. Excel应用程序在水坝定位测量中的应用

    Excel Application in Dam Positioning Measurement

  12. 百色RCC重力坝右岸挡水坝段滑移模式及滑移路径的研究

    Study of Sliding Mode and Sliding Paths of 9th Dam Block of Baise RCC Dam

  13. 第四部分……n.海狸海狸以会在溪中筑水坝而闻名。

    Part 4 ...... beaver Beavers are noted for their skill in building dams across streams .

  14. 有一天在AP生物课上,我看到一个比较细胞的电子泵和一个水坝的涡轮图表。

    One day , sitting in my AP Biology class , a diagram comparing the electron pumps of a cell to turbines in a dam appeared before me .

  15. 考虑到这些发现,MRC的战略环境评估报告建议该地区的所有水坝建设暂停10年。

    Given these findings , the SEA has recommended halting all dam building in the region for ten years .

  16. ISIS坚称,库尔德十字军联盟(Kurdish-Crusaderalliance)夺回水坝的消息是媒体的虚假宣传。

    Isis insisted that reports that the Kurdish-Crusader alliance had retaken the dam constituted a fake media campaign .

  17. 联合国环境计划和亚洲理工学院(AsianInstituteofTechnology)的一份报告警告说,中国在湄公河上游建八座梯级水坝的计划可能对河流及其自然资源构成相当大的威胁。

    United Nations Environment Programme and the Asian Institute of the Asian Institute of Technology , a report warned that China eight cascade of dams being built in the upper Mekong plans could pose a considerable threat to River and its natural resources .

  18. vt.抵抗水坝的墙必须够坚固,以抵抗很大的水压。

    withstand The walls of a dam must be strong enough to withstand tremendous water pressure .

  19. 利用SPH方法及边界力方法对水坝坍塌和涌波进入静止水塘这两个自由表面流动问题作了数值模拟。

    Both problems of the free surface flows : bursting dam and bore , are simulated by using the SPH method via the boundary force .

  20. 其中毒死蜱毒饵在为期30d的水坝白蚁诱杀防治中取得最高(66.7%)的防治效果。

    A 30 day field tests with chlorpyrifos bait gave a 66.7 % rate of a termite population control on a dam .

  21. 她说的那些精英人士,当然就包括罗纳德·里根(RONALDREAGAN)了,他在1973年作为州长签署了一份法案,旨在让北加州的鳗河免遭水坝建设者的侵扰。

    Of course , one of those elites was Ronald Reagan , who as governor signed legislation in 1973 that protected the Eel River in Northern California from dam builders .

  22. 本文介绍了ReinforcedEarth集团在加筋土方面的研究及项目情况,其项目领域涉及高速公路挡土墙、桥台、铁路路堤、河堤、水坝、防洪堤、工业及军事用途挡土墙等。

    Researches and projects conducted by Reinforced Earth Group in the respect of reinforced earth are presented herein . The projects involve retaining wall for high speed highway , abutment , railway embankment , river weir , flood protection dike and retaining walls for industrial and military purposes .

  23. WCD的水坝偏见&印度、加拿大、中国评世界水坝委员会的报告

    WCD 's Prejudice against the Building of Dams : India , China and Canada 's Criticism of WCD 's Report

  24. 国际水电协会(InternationalHydropowerAssociation)是一个总部设在伦敦的行业团体,其主席肯·亚当斯(KenAdams)说,尽管关于水坝的担忧一直存在,但由于人们对气候变化日益重视,也需要更清洁的能源,兴建水坝又受到了青睐。

    Part of the reason dams are back in favor , despite ongoing concerns , is the increasing awareness of climate change and the need for cleaner energy sources , said Ken Adams , president of the International Hydropower Association , an industry group based in London .

  25. 在Okeechobee湖和沼泽地的其他自然区域之间有一个巨大的水坝。”

    It 's the , it 's the big ... a big dam between Lake Okeechobee and the rest of the natural Everglades . "

  26. 台风「芭玛」吹袭菲律宾,造成严重水灾,令Asuncion家附近的水坝差点满溢。她在确保两个子女安全后,就去拯救山羊。

    Asuncion rescued the two goats after she made sure her two children were safe from the raging floods of Typhoon Parma , a storm so powerful that a nearby dam overflowed .

  27. 《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB50021-2001)在水,土对混凝土腐蚀评价中,取消了过去有关隧洞、竖井、水坝为Ⅰ类环境的规定。

    For the evaluation of concrete from water and soil in the 《 Code for Geotechnical Engineering Investigation 》 ( GB50021-2001 ), the former stipulation about the tunnel , shaft and dam site environment being classified as category I has been canceled .

  28. 村民们劲头十足地着手修一座水坝。

    The villagers went at building a dam with a will .

  29. 内源污染多发生于水坝下游10&30m处。

    Internal pollution downstream 10 - happens at dam as place .

  30. 这是人类所建造的最大的水坝工程之一。

    It is one of the largest dam projects ever undertaken .