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  1. 国际青少年读物委员会欧洲委员会议会大会政治事务委员会

    Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

  2. 这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。

    At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only , but it has since put in juvenile books .

  3. 格林汉姆认为,许多成年人对这些青少年读物的喜爱,跟他们逃避现实、满足当下和怀旧心理有关。

    For many adults , Graham says , the enjoyment of reading YA books has to do with escapism , instant gratification , and nostalgia .

  4. 她援引来自美国的数据指出,55%的青少年读物都被成年人收入囊中。

    Citing statistics in the US , she points out that 55 percent of young adult ( YA ) books are purchased by those over 18 .

  5. 出版商为兰登书屋旗下的阿尔弗雷德A克诺夫青少年读物出版社。兰登书屋目前为德国贝塔斯曼集团所有。

    It will be published by Alfred A.Knopf Books for Young Readers , a division of Random House , which is owned by Germany 's Bertelsmann AG .

  6. 更重要的是,青少年读物的结局常常为了迎合少男少女的口味而设计,千篇一律不留遗憾,不论是落泪,还是欢笑,都力求圆满。

    Most importantly , YA books often have endings that cater to teenagers " taste . These endings are uniformly satisfying , whether that satisfaction comes through weeping or cheering .

  7. 在格林汉姆看来,人生短暂,如果成年人只愿读那些赚眼泪的青少年读物,而放弃艰深伟大的文学作品,那么他们一定会错过很多。

    Life is so short , says Graham , and if grown-ups are substituting tear-jerking teen dramas for the complexity of great adult literature , then they are missing something .

  8. (文中谈到奥巴马)藏在别人鞋盒子里的青少年读物中,可能夹有一张你穿着鲜艳的衣服和过时的燕尾服,拥着一个高中美女的照片。

    Tucked away in someone else 's shoe box of adolescent artifacts , there might be a picture of you in garish clothes and with an outdated ' do , your arm around a high school squeeze .

  9. 她向我解释了那本书消失的原因。事实上,在把房子卖掉之前,她就处理了大量的青少年读物、老课本和童话故事,而《布莱迪和他的伙伴们》很可能就夹在其中。

    She explained the disappearance of the book by the fact that she had a short time before sold her house and disposed of many juvenile books , such as old schoolbooks and fairy tales , and that " Birdie and His Friends " was probably among them .

  10. 地球上的每个文化人都有自己的阅读体裁偏好,无论你喜欢经典文学、诗歌、流行杂志、传纪,宗教读物、青少年读物、激励类书籍、或是爱情小说,这些都能够抓住你的好奇心和想象力。

    There 's a reading genre for every literate person on the planet , and whether your tastes lie in classical literature , poetry , fashion magazines , biographies , religious texts , young adult books , self-help guides , or romance novels , there 's something out there to capture your curiosity and imagination .

  11. 英语青少年文学读物对培养学生积极情感的作用

    The Power of Young Adult Literature Reading Materials in Fostering Learners ' Positive Affect in English Reading