
xū yǎng jūn
  • aerobe;aerobic bacteria
需氧菌[xū yǎng jūn]
  1. 生长繁殖快,能在22h内达3亿个/mL以上,很快进入厌氧后发酵,抑制许多需氧菌生长;

    And its parent strain Kloeckera apiculate Klo 10 . The recon grew and propagated rapidly ( its quantity achieved 0.3 billion / mL within 22 h ), and then marched into anaerobic fermentation stage quickly , which could inhibit the growth of lots of aerobe .

  2. 微波消毒根管前后的需氧菌和厌氧菌培养;

    Fostering of aerobe and anaerobe before and after root canal sterilization with microwave .

  3. 研究发现,办公室的地板是最干净的。这项实验对地毯和家用电器都擦拭取样,以得出需氧菌、酵母菌和霉菌的数量。

    Office floors were found to be the cleanest in the experiment — in which carpets and household appliances were swabbed to reveal levels of aerobic3 bacteria , yeast4 and mould .

  4. 胆囊结石患者胆汁需氧菌和厌氧菌DNA检测及意义

    Measurement and its significance of DNA of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in bile in gallstone patients

  5. 走廊和大厅中需氧菌和可吸入的需氧菌浓度明显高于房间内的(p0.05)。

    The respective concentrations of aerobes and inhalable aerobes in the corridor and hall were apparently higher than those in the rooms ( p0.05 ) .

  6. 气载需氧菌主要分布在采样器的A-D级上,F级最少。

    Airborne aerobic bacteria mainly centered on the A-D grade , the least on the F grade .

  7. 幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,H.pylori,Hp)是一种革兰氏染色阴性螺旋形的微需氧菌,其感染是诱发人胃粘膜病变的主要因素之一。

    Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) is a spiral , gram-negative and microaerophilic bacterium , and is one of the major factors inducing pathological changes in human gastric mucosa .

  8. 为了了解男性非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)尿道需氧菌群变化情况,对166例NGU首段尿标本进行需氧菌定性定量分离培养,并与118例对照组比较。

    Culture of urine specimens from 166 cases of nongonococcal urethritis ( NGU ) and 188 controls were carried out .

  9. 幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,Hp)是一种定植于人类胃粘膜的革兰氏染色阴性、螺杆状、微需氧菌;在全世界范围内广泛感染,对人类健康构成严重危害。

    Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) is a gram negative , spiral , microaerobic bacterium that colonizes human gastric mucosa and infects a large amount of population worldwide , leading to specific gastric diseases .

  10. 采用阳性率、3个部位需氧菌培养相同率(RSAC)、优势菌等多个指标分析。

    Positive culture rate , rate of the same aerobic culture from three sites ( RSAC ), and predominant species were analyzed .

  11. 方法:取50例慢性重型肝炎患者0.5g新鲜粪便按10倍稀释法稀释致10-10,用滴注法接种于选择性培养基上培养,选择肠道中具有代表性需氧菌和厌氧菌共8种。

    Methods : Stool samples of 0.5 gram from 50 patients with chronic sever hepatitis were diluted in series by 10 times to 10 - 10 , and then cultured in selective culture medium by which 8 species both anaerobic and aerob were selected .

  12. 方法:将新鲜消毒的中厚猪皮、尸体皮和经过-80℃降温,LN2冻存的猪皮、尸体皮各取6块行需氧菌和厌氧菌培养,而后做细菌学检测。

    Methods : We took 6 pieces each of fresh and disinfected intermediate thickness pig-skin and corpse-skin and - 80 ℃ / LN 2 frozen stored pig-skin and corpse-skin for aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria cultivation , then carried out bacteriology examination .

  13. 萎缩性阴道炎的临床观察及阴道需氧菌菌群研究

    Atrophic Vaginitis : Clinical Observation and Study of Vaginal Aerobic Microflora

  14. 许多天然纤维在需氧菌的侵袭下则迅速腐坏。

    Many natural fibers decay rapidly when exposed to aerobic cultures .

  15. 慢性牙周病患者龈下菌斑的厌氧和需氧菌群总数分布研究

    Flore Distribution in the Subgingival Plaque of Patients with Chronic Periodontitis

  16. 心脏手术后病人血及其引流血经需氧菌及厌氧菌培养均阴性。

    Anaerobic and aerobic cultures of the shed mediastinal blood were negative .

  17. 胆石症病人术中胆汁需氧菌培养228例分析

    An Analysis of Aerobic Bacteria Cultured from Bile of 228 Cholelithiasis Patients

  18. 兔舍内气载需氧菌和气载葡萄球菌的检测

    Detection of Airborne Aerobic Bacterial and Airborne Staphylococcus in Two Rabbit Stables

  19. 通常有包括需氧菌和厌氧菌的多种菌。

    Surgical infections are mostly polymicrobial , involving both aerobes and anaerobes .

  20. 20颗用氢氧化钙药尖消毒为对照组,消毒前后分别作需氧菌和厌氧菌培养并比较其消毒效果。

    20 with calcium hydroxide medicine points as control group .

  21. 口腔疾患的兼性厌氧菌与需氧菌的药敏分析

    Susceptible Analysis of Drugs Against Facultative Anaerobes and Aerobes Isolated From Oral Diseases

  22. 结膜囊需氧菌的变化趋势及其影响因素

    Changing trends and affect factors of aerobic conjunctival flora

  23. 目的探讨肛周脓肿厌氧与需氧菌的菌群分布。

    Objective To study the distribution of anaerobes and aerobes in perianal abscess .

  24. 方法:需氧菌和厌氧菌培养以及药物敏感试验。

    Methods : Culture and drug sensitivity test of aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria .

  25. 同时对中鼻道分泌物进行需氧菌培养。

    Meanwhile the secretion culture was performed for aerobic bacteria from the middle meatus .

  26. 结论肝硬化患者存在肠道菌群失调,具有代表性的厌氧菌减少,需氧菌增多。

    Conclusions In cirrhotic patients , an aerobic bacteria decreased arid aerobic bacteria increased .

  27. 方法选择31例肛周脓肿患者,对其脓液中的厌氧菌和需氧菌进行培养鉴定。

    Methods 31 specimens were taken from the perianal abscess , cultured and identified .

  28. 健康人眼结膜囊微生态系需氧菌、厌氧菌定性及定量研究

    Identification and Quantitation of Conjunctival Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacterial Flora in Microecosystem from Healthy People

  29. 重庆市不同年龄健康人结膜囊需氧菌定性及定量研究

    Identification and quantitation of conjunctival aerobic bacterial flora from healthy Chongqing residents at different ages

  30. 细菌性阴道病时,阴道内有各种厌氧及需氧菌。

    When bacterial vaginopathy , in the vagina has each kind anaerobic and the aerobe .