
  • 网络retail terminal;POS;point-of-sale
  1. 零售终端商业模式的演进及其适应

    Evolution of and Adaptation to Commercial Mode of Retail Terminal

  2. 对卷烟零售终端的分析及控制方法的探讨

    Analysis on the Cigarette Retail Terminal and Controlling Method

  3. 随着中国加入WTO,大型零售终端的产生,渠道已成为中小企业重要的营销资产。

    With the entry of WTO , and the appearing of large sells terminals , channel has become the most important assets for SMEs .

  4. 对于PC厂商而言,专卖店、大卖场等零售终端扮演的角色越来越重要,在资金流、物流和信息流方面承担的载体作用越发明显。

    For PC manufacturers , exclusive stores , supermarkets and other retail terminals play a more and more important role in the capital flow , logistics and information flow .

  5. 在零售终端管理上要改变目标销量的设置,以及绩效KPI指数的考核,寻找业绩增长点并加强人员管理。

    In the retail aspect to changes the target seting and KPI index to evaluate the sales performance , looking for growth in sales and strengthen the management in staff stability .

  6. 利用JIAB思想设计并实现了零售终端系统的公共基础模块。

    Based on JIAB , the common fundamental module for an embedded Point of Sale ( POS ) was designed and implemented .

  7. 零售终端营销中的物流管理中国消费者行为与零售终端行为互动研究

    Interaction between Consumer Behavior and Retailer Behavior in Our Country

  8. 首先是针对零售终端力量不足的问题,提出了对零售终端实行双重管理。

    First , double management shall be applied in the management of selling terminal .

  9. 卷烟销售的竞争已逐渐向下延伸到零售终端竞争。

    The competition in cigarette sales has been gradually extended to the retail end .

  10. 为分销商、零售终端提供优质服务,确保创造更多的顾客价值。

    Third , we provide good service for distributor and retailer to create more customer value .

  11. 在农业产业化推动下,农产品超市化经营已成为零售终端的主导模式。

    Promoted by agricultural industrialization , supermarket operations for produce become the leading mode of retail terminal .

  12. 农贸市场和早夜市作为传统的零售终端在采购、运输以及具体销售环节均存在着较不经济行为,本土超市的组织经营模式与传统模式相差无几,问题重重。

    There are less economic behaviors in traditional retail outlets during procurement , transportation and retail links .

  13. 零售终端商业模式是分销渠道调整首先考虑的问题。

    Therefore , the commercial mode of retail terminal has become the first thing to be adapted .

  14. 零售终端是产品销售的最后一个环节。也是最重要的环节。

    The retail terminal is the last link in product sales and is also the most important aspects .

  15. 消费者选择生鲜农产品零售终端的行为分析&基于消费者效用的理论解释

    The Behavior Analysis of Consumer Selecting Raw Farm Product Retail Terminal & Theory Explain Based on Consumer Utility

  16. 零售终端作为烟草企业与消费者的连接纽带,其拥有着举足轻重的作用,因此,扎实打牢卷烟零售终端基础,对我国烟草行业的发展具有重要的战略意义。

    Retail terminals , as the link between tobacco enterprises and customers , are playing a decisive role in the industry .

  17. 大连市的零售终端主要包括超市、早晚市、农贸市场和社区平价店四种形式。

    Firstly , major retail outlets in Dalian include supermarkets , open air vegetable market , farmers markets and community stores .

  18. 在体验性经济的浪潮下,大型专业超市作为重要的零售终端形式,直接传递着新的消费和购物体验。

    Under the trend of experience economy , special hypermarket , as an important form of retail terminal , expresses the new consumption mode .

  19. 这不仅抬高了零售终端的价格,也造成了浪费及市区交通拥堵等问题。

    This not only increases the price of retail terminal , but also led to urban traffic congestion and other waste problems of resource .

  20. 快速消费品生产厂家面对日益加剧的市场竞争状况,在解决消费者需求的变化,和零售终端的变化,认识到增强企业核心竞争力的关键是设立和优化分销渠道网络的问题。

    FMCG ( fast moving consumer goods ) manufacturers face increased competition , changes in consumer demand , new channels and retail Terminal changes .

  21. 对零售终端的管理,是营销新观点&逆向渠道营销模式的要求,体现了营销行为以市场为中心、以客户为导向的原则。

    The retail terminal management , markets new ideas - " reverse-channel marketing model ", reflecting the marketing behavior of market-centered , and customer-oriented principles .

  22. 为在竞争中处于有利位置,在全国建立起稳固的产品销售网络,卷烟销售工作应加强零售终端管理。

    In the competition , a favorable position in the country to build a solid sales network ; Cigarette sales should strengthen the retail terminal management .

  23. 本文主要针对零售终端营销中物流管理的订单处理、配送管理、库存管理、卖场内部物流控制以及逆向物流管理五个问题进行了分析说明。对流通产业竞争力的提高有一定的借鉴作用。

    This paper analyses the order processing , distribution management , stock management , logistics control of point-of-purchase and reverse logistics of retail terminal in marketing .

  24. 研究这些行为,零售终端才能制定最合理的经营策略,制造商才可以找到最适合的渠道投放策略。

    By studying these changes and ideas throughly , the retailers can choose the best competing stategy and the manufactures can find out the best channel strategy .

  25. 但由于缺乏市场竞争意识和对卷烟零售终端掌控力不足,使得自身终端网络资源优势没有充分发挥。

    However , due to the lack of reward power to retail terminals and awareness of market competition , the network resources of the retail terminal are not fully used .

  26. 要从研究消费者渠道偏好与购买准则入手,认识与把握零售终端商业模式的演进规律,找到零售终端策略的改进思路。

    Beginning with studying consumers ' channel preference and purchasing guideline , we can cognize and grasp the evolutional law of retail terminal commercial mode for finding out a way to promote retail .

  27. 而零售终端作为营销渠道的守门人,直接与上帝接触,充当了临门一脚的作用。

    And retailer as " gatekeeper " of marketing channel , keeps in touch with " God " directly , and has made function of " facing a kick of the door " .

  28. 如何使供应链上的企业间紧密配合,使符合质量标准的药品能够及时、高效地传递到零售终端便成为药品供应链优化的重点。

    How to make sure the drug which meets the quality standards can be delivered to retailer in time by the coordination of the enterprises has become the point of drug supply chain optimization .

  29. 本研究旨在为我国体育用品连锁经营企业制定发展策略提供有意义的参考,同时也为体育用品生产企业选择代理商和零售终端提供有价值的参考依据。

    The purpose of this study is providing meaningful information to the sporting goods chain enterprises in China ; also provide valuable reference for sporting goods manufacturers how to chose retail terminals and agents .

  30. 超市是商品的零售终端,食品销售在超市销售中占有一席之地,然而水果的销售又在超市食品销售中占据着重要位置。

    Supermarket is a retail terminal of commodity , food sale is important in supermarket , however , the sales of fruit are important to food sales in supermarket , they take an important position .