
línɡ jiàn kù
  • parts library
  1. 参数化图形驱动及Web零件库的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Parametric Graphic-driven Sharing Parts Library Based on WEB

  2. 基于协同商务的Web三维零件库研究

    A Study on the CPC-based Web 3D Parts Library

  3. 解决了如何对原有零件库系统进行Web服务的封装的问题。

    The paper resolved the problem to encapsulate the original Parts Library .

  4. 基于WEB标准零件库信息管理系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Web-Based Information Management System of Standard Parts Library

  5. 第三,介绍了基于Web的零件库管理系统的设计与建立。

    Thirdly , the design and establishment of the management system are introduced .

  6. 基于WEB的零件库发展现状分析

    Analysis of the Development Status of Web-based Parts library

  7. 基于配置的solidworks标准零件库的建立和管理

    The establish and management of Solid Works part library based on configuration

  8. 基于STEP标准的产品信息模型及零件库系统的研究

    Research of Product Information Model and Parts Library System Based on STEP

  9. Web零件库服务平台的开发

    Development of Service Platform for Web Parts Library

  10. 基于Solidedge的零件库设计方法及其应用

    Design methods and applications of part library based on Solid Edge

  11. Solidedge钣金零件库及其展开系统开发

    Development of Solid Edge Sheet Metal Library and Evolution System

  12. 基于Solidedge建立标准零件库的方法

    Approach to Build up a Family of Standard Parts by Solid Edge

  13. 给出了基于Web零件库系统的具体应用模式,实现了企业内和企业间的零件库信息共享。

    The application schema given realize the sharing of parts library information in and among enterprises .

  14. 零件库是CAD软件的重要组成部分。

    Part library is an important part of CAD software .

  15. 应用部件家族(Partfamily)及电子表格的技术,建立了模块库及常用零件库;

    A die block warehouse and frequent using part warehouse was established as well applying Part family and Spreadsheet technique .

  16. 开发了基于Web的零件库原型系统;实现了网络环境下零件几何模型的浏览和零件信息的共享。

    A developed web-based parts library prototype system realizes browse of part geometric model and share of part information .

  17. 异构CAD系统的零件库几何信息接口的研究

    Research on the Geometric Information Interface of Parts Library for a Heterogeneous CAD System

  18. 本文研究了基于STEP特征模型的零件库信息模型及其实现中的关键技术。

    This article study the feature and feature models , especially the feature models in the STEP AP214 .

  19. 快速有效的制造信息资源发现技术是Web零件库的重要研究内容之一。

    The highly effective technology of manufacturing information resource discovery is one of the key parts of web parts library .

  20. 本文根据企业的需求,设计并实现了一个基于Web的零件库系统。

    In this paper , a web-based parts library system is designed and implemented according to the requirements of enterprises .

  21. 文章重点介绍了solidworks环境下,开发参数化国标零件库的方法及关键技术。

    In this paper , method and key technology of developing GB parts library in Solid Works are introduced .

  22. 利用UG/OpenAPI开发直齿圆柱齿轮零件库

    Developing detail-library of standard involute gear by using UG / OPEN API

  23. 若与零件库(FamilyTable)相结合,还可实现零件组装的过程仿真、替换、干涉检验。

    If it combines with Family Table , the process-simulation , replacement , interference check of components assembly can be realized .

  24. J2EE在Pro/E标准零件库设计中的应用

    Application of J2EE in the Pro / E Standard-part Database 's Design

  25. 基于AutoCAD的国标零件库系统的实现

    Realization of the System of Standard Machine Parts Based on AutoCAD

  26. Web零件库是MC实施的重要支撑工具。

    Web parts library ( WebPL ) is an important support tool for the implementation of MC .

  27. AutoCAD的二次开发及应用&常用标准零件库系统的建立

    Developing and using autocad-setting up the standard component library system

  28. CAD设计人员或查询人员可以通过浏览器访问生产企业和零件库内各个企业的产品目录,并获取数据。

    CAD designer can visit the catalogue items of every enterprise and production enterprise through browser and get data .

  29. 基于VISUALLISP的面向对象零件库的开发

    Development of object-faced part data base on visual LISP

  30. 基于OpenGL的虚拟机器人及零件库系统研究

    Research of Virtual Robot and Part Database Based on OpenGL Platform