
yǔ sǎn
  • umbrella
雨伞 [yǔ sǎn]
  • [umbrella] 遮雨用的伞

雨伞[yǔ sǎn]
  1. 她用雨伞打他的头。

    She hit him on the head with her umbrella .

  2. 她抡起雨伞朝他打去。

    She took a swipe at him with her umbrella .

  3. 她用雨伞使劲捅了他一下。

    She gave him a sharp prod with her umbrella .

  4. 雨下得很大,但她没有雨伞。

    It was raining hard , and she hadn 't an umbrella .

  5. 我可以和你一道走,合用你的雨伞吗?

    Will you let me walk under your umbrella ?

  6. 雨伞使撑伞人免受雨淋。

    The umbrella keeps the rains off the user .

  7. 有人把我的雨伞偷走了。

    Someone has made off with my umbrella .

  8. 喏,这不就是你的那把雨伞?

    There ! Isn 't that your umbrella ?

  9. 他跑回去拿雨伞。

    He ran back for an umbrella .

  10. 这把雨伞你把它带上。

    Take this umbrella with you .

  11. 他一进屋就收起了雨伞。

    He folded up his umbrella as he entered the room .

  12. 拿着雨伞的那个人准是首相。

    The man with the umbrella will be the prime minister .

  13. B:我们最好带上雨伞。

    B : We ' d better take umbrellas with us .

  14. 南希:我看见七个女孩在一把雨伞里,她们都没淋湿。

    Nancy : I saw seven girls in one umbrella and none of them got wet .

  15. 当有人递给我们一封信,递给我们一本书,给我们一杯饮料,或者借给我们一把雨伞时,我们就会这样说。

    We say them when someone hands us a letter , passes us a book , offers us a drink , or lends us an umbrella .

  16. 看(look)了半个小时后,发现了一个卖(sell)便宜(cheap)雨伞(umbrella)的商店,她决定(decide)买把黑色的(black)伞。

    When she had6 been looking for half an hour , she found7 a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas , and decided8 to take a black one .

  17. 由设计师JeSungPark和WooJungKwon设计的一款新伞不但改变了雨伞的核心设计,同时还能让雨伞根据不同天气状况进行调节。

    A new umbrella design by Je Sung Park and Woo Jung Kwon aims to not only change the umbrella ’ s core design , but to make it adjustable3 given the power of a storm .

  18. 例句:我去伦敦总要带一把雨伞,入乡随俗嘛。

    I always carry an umbrella when I visit London .

  19. 雨伞可以保护你不至于淋雨。

    An umbrella will protect you from the rain .

  20. 人们可能会说,标准的雨伞设计已算完美——坚固、能够耐受强风以外的所有天气,而且基本能保持你的上半身干燥。

    One might say the standard umbrella is already perfectly1 designed -- compact , resistant2 to all but very strong winds , and it generally keeps your top half dry .

  21. 空气伞的这些特点不但能够比普通雨伞在暴雨时起到更好的保护作用,空气屏障也比普通雨伞的尼龙布更经得起强风。

    Not only would these features protect against storms when a standard umbrella normally may not , but the air curtain has a better chance to survive strong winds than a flimsy nylon covering .

  22. 1892年,《贵妇人运动手册》(TheGentlewoman'sBookofSport)描述了一位女士穿着厚重的连衣裙、靴子、帽子、手套,手持雨伞游泳。

    In 1892 , The Gentlewoman 's Book of Sport described a woman swimming in a heavy dress , boots , hat , gloves and carrying an umbrella .

  23. 她的初创企业黑色雨伞(BlackUmbrella)主要业务是帮助人们针对洪水、飓风、核大战和我们可能担忧的其他灾难,做好充分准备。

    Her startup , black umbrella , provides services to help people prepare for floods , hurricanes , nuclear war and pretty much any other disaster we might fear .

  24. 一开始发明雨伞(umbrella)的人本来是想叫它伞(brella),但他犹豫了一下。

    I like to imagine the guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the ' brella . " But he hesitated .

  25. 你是唯一留下的空间来安放几个鞋子、雨伞,也许盒A4纸。

    You are only left with space to put several shoes , umbrellas and maybe boxes of A4 paper .

  26. 雨伞活动是指Scrum团队上层的管理机制,应由外部的风险承担者处理,比如,项目管理。

    The umbrella activities are administrative overhead for a Scrum team and should be handled by external stakeholders & e.g. , project management .

  27. 皮斯卡塔韦,新泽西当这个男人向马克•唐纳利(MarkDonnelly)发起猛攻时,他唯一的自卫武器就是一把黑色的雨伞一把纨口气息很重的雨伞。

    When the guy swung at Mark Donnelly , his only means of defense was a black umbrella & and a foppish one at that .

  28. Gryphon科技:全美的鸡尾酒里面配有多少把小花雨伞呢?

    Gryphon Scientific : How many cocktail umbrellas are there in a given time in the United States ?

  29. 雨伞,紧随其后就会收到电邮,声称若‘在Instagram有块巴掌大的展示空间’,将不胜感激。”

    as before and got a follow-up email saying it would be great if we could have a ' cheeky little Instagram post . " "

  30. 她打开购物袋,拿出雨伞。

    She opened her shopping bag and took out an umbrella .