
diāo sù jiā
  • sculptor
  1. 战争爆发使这位雕塑家的工作突然停下来了。

    The outbreak of the war gave a sudden check to the sculptor 's work .

  2. 除了历史著名人物托马斯·爱迪生、亚历山大大帝等人的故事,《年代学》也讲述了一些不太知名的个人生平,比如探险家蒙戈·帕克和雕塑家格曾·鲍格勒姆。

    While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great , this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum .

  3. 雕塑家奥古斯特·罗丁和画家克劳德·莫内曾经在这里创作了他们伟大的作品。

    Sculptor Auguste Rodin and painter Claude Monet once created their great works here .

  4. 那位雕塑家把黏土做成了一个球状。

    The sculptor rounded the clay into a sphere .

  5. 他是英国最有名的雕塑家之一。

    He is one of Britain 's best-known sculptors .

  6. 雕塑家把材料塑造成雕塑品。

    A sculptor forms her material .

  7. LeonBattistaAlberti是一位画家、雕塑家、建筑家、音乐家、诗人,

    Leon Battista Alberti was a painter , sculptor , architect , musician , poet ,

  8. 法比奥Viale是一个年轻的意大利雕塑家谁是在意大利都灵。

    Fabio Viale is a young Italian Sculptor who is based in Turin , Italy .

  9. 在已故雕塑家赫普沃思位于汉普斯特德(Hampstead)的工作室展出其设计的赫普沃思斑驳款手镯(与木质图腾相搭配),也十分自然契合。

    It 's easy to imagine her blocky Hepworth bangle ( and matching wooden totem ) on display in the late sculptor 's Hampstead studio .

  10. 尊贵楼始建于1835年,墙上的浮雕出自雕塑家安东尼奥·卡诺瓦(AntonioCanova)之手,装饰着壁画的房间风格多样,从埃及风格到哥特风格。

    Construction of the Casino Nobile started in 1835 , and it includes reliefs by the sculptor Antonio Canova and rooms frescoed in various styles , from the Egyptian to the Gothic .

  11. 这两家基金会每年举办几次展览。卡地亚基金会位于光线充足、当代风格的让·努韦尔大厦内,它关注备受赞扬的天才,比如日本波普艺术家北野武和澳大利亚雕塑家罗恩·米克(RonMueck)。

    Exhibitions rotate several times a year , with the Cartier - housed in a light-filled , contemporary Jean Nouvel building - bringing acclaimed talent such as the Japanese pop artist Takeshi Kitano and the Australian sculptor Ron Mueck .

  12. 晚会的女主人正同坐在她右侧的那位扎着马尾辫的日本艺术家谈笑着,她的右边则坐着一位Greek-Cypriot实业家—DakisJoannou,他同时也是一位对美国雕塑家JeffKoons的作品情有独钟的狂热收藏家。

    The hostess of the evening sat laughing with the pony-tailed Japanese artist on her right . On her left was Dakis Joannou , a Greek-Cypriot industrialist and avid collector of the work of Jeff Koons , an American sculptor .

  13. 但即使是他也无法做到康斯坦丁?布朗库西(ConstantinBrancusi)那样的壮举。布朗库西是一位雕塑家,从罗马尼亚的农村老家到巴黎这一路,他几乎都是走着去的。

    But even he couldn 't match the feat of someone like Constantin Brancusi , the sculptor who walked much of the way between his home village in Romania and Paris .

  14. 我毕业论文的题目是研究意大利雕塑家Donatello如何借鉴了希腊和罗马雕塑&其实这跟今天的题目半毛钱关系都没有,只是我一直喜欢让别人知道。

    The thesis tried to explain how the Italian sculptor Donatello used Greek and Roman sculpture & which is actually totally beside the point , but I 've always wanted to tell someone .

  15. 我毕业论文的题目是研究意大利雕塑家Donatello如何借鉴了希腊和罗马雕塑——其实这跟今天的题目半毛钱关系都没有,只是我一直喜欢让别人知道。

    The thesis tried to explain how the Italian sculptor Donatello used Greek and Roman sculpture - which is actually totally beside the point , but I 've always wanted to tell someone .

  16. 佳士得亚太地区主席高逸龙(Fran漀椀猀Curiel)在电子邮件中称陈先生是“一位典型的文艺复兴式人物——科学家、设计师、雕塑家;但对他最好的描述一个有远见的人”。

    Curiel , chairman of Christie 's Asia-Pacific , in an email called Mr. Chan a " Renaissance man in the best sense of the world - a scientist , designer , sculpture ; but my best description of him is as a visionary .

  17. 莫迪利亚尼是一个有独特风格的画家、雕塑家。

    Modigliani is a painter and sculptor with a peculiar style .

  18. 有一阵子我还想当个雕塑家呢。

    There was a time I wanted to be a sculptor .

  19. 雕塑·空间·园林&雕塑家野口勇的空间景观艺术创作

    Sculpture Space Garden & The Landscape Art of Sculptor Isamu Noguchi

  20. 中国当代著名雕塑家叶毓山雕塑艺术研究

    Chinese Present Age Renowned Sculptor Ye Yushan Sculpture Art Studies

  21. 西班牙画家、绘图师和雕塑家。

    Was a Spanish painter , draughtsman , and sculptor .

  22. 穆尔作为一名十分年轻的雕塑家对我有着巨大的影响。

    Moore was enormously influential to me as a very young sculptor .

  23. 不仅是画家,雕塑家也会一起合作。

    And it wasn 't just painters . Sculptors also worked together .

  24. 谈雕塑家特殊权利保护

    My Views on Protection of the Special Rights of Sculptors

  25. 它与雕塑家的内心感受相一致,受雕塑创作情感所影响。

    It sculptor consistent feelings , by the influence of emotional sculpture .

  26. 造成了中国当代艺术家、雕塑家心里上的失衡。

    Resulting in contemporary Chinese artists , sculptors hearts on the imbalance .

  27. 切利尼&16世纪最伟大的金匠,主要的雕塑家之一。

    Cellini-the greatest goldsmith and one of the main sculptures of the16thcentury .

  28. 一个我比较喜欢的法国雕塑家雕的头像,生动传神。

    It is a sculpture made by a french painter , vivid !

  29. 答:雕塑家这句野白简直说巴适了。

    Answer : carve a house this words to say like too .

  30. 为画家或雕塑家摆姿势的人。

    A person who poses for a painter or sculptor .