
  • 网络Shoe;collector shoe;contact shoe
  1. 以下为一下触式集电靴在德国地铁中的应用(如下图所示)。

    An example of a bottom contact shoe as used on a German metro line is shown in the photo ( left ) .

  2. 第三轨系统在列车上使用“集电靴”受电。

    The third rail system uses a " shoe " to collect the current on the train .

  3. 边触式和下触式集电靴装有弹簧用来提供所需的接触压力。

    Side and bottom contact shoes are spring loaded to provide the necessary contact force .

  4. 多数类型的上触式集电靴被在转向架的轴套之间的一个悬挂杆吊着。

    Most types of top contact shoes simply hang from a beam suspended between the axleboxes of the bogie .

  5. 所有的集电靴通常为了紧急目的需要以某种方式在供电轨上畅通无阻地移动。

    All shoes need some way of being moved clear of the current rail , usually for emergency purposes .

  6. 目前大多数情况下是设计机械或空气系统从驾驶室远程地来升降集电靴。

    More recently , mechanical or pneumatic systems have been devised to make it possible to lift shoes from inside the train remotely from the driving cab .

  7. 最常见便是一个集电靴突然中止,连接火车电力设备的导线需要被安全保护起来的情况。

    The most common reason is when a shoe breaks off and its connecting lead to the electrical equipment on the train has to be secured safely .

  8. 此时同一电路中其它集电靴一定要被隔离开,除非所有的电流都被切断,这种情况可能会导致其他几趟列车停止运行。

    The other shoes on the same circuit must be isolated while this is done , unless the current is switched off from the whole section – perhaps disabling several other trains .

  9. 例如纽约地铁(如下图)的带防护罩的上触式系统,总之需要放射状放置集电靴来使它们在盖下适合。

    Top contact systems with protective covers over them , like the New York Subway ( photo left ), needed radially mounted shoes anyway to allow them to fit under the cover .