
jí tuán jūn qún
  • Army group;group of army
  1. 德军中央集团军群的残余部队龟缩在东线的几个德军控制区内。

    The remnants of Army Group Center held the remaining German-controlled areas in the east .

  2. 这是一支相当可观的力量,虽然远远比不上1940年伦斯德在同一战场上所使用的集团军群。

    This was a considerable force , though far weaker than Rundstedt 's army group on the same front in 1940 .

  3. 第四,苏军正确的防守战术是德国中央集团军群噩梦的重要部分。

    Fourthly , Russian Red Army 's correct defense tactics were a major component of the German Army Group Centre 's nightmare .

  4. 他本人然后把他带的一份送交给斐迪南舒埃纳尔元帅,后者的集团军群仍完整无损地坚守在波希米亚山区,希特勒己任命他为新的陆军总司令。

    He himself was then to deliver his copy of the papers to Field Marshal Ferdinand schoerher , whose army group still held out intact in the Bohemian mountains and whom Hitler had named as the new commander in chief of the army .