
jí tǐ cái chǎn
  • collective property;property collectively owned
  1. 乡土生活场域中的集体财产:从权力到权利

    Collective Property in Rural Life Field : From Power to Right

  2. 国家财产、集体财产和个人财产,都是社会主义和谐社会的财富形式。

    State property , collective property and personal property are all wealth forms of socialist harmonious society .

  3. 私吞集体财产终究会得到法律的制裁!

    He who appropriates collective goods will be punished by the law !

  4. 伦敦卡斯商学院的经济学家斯蒂芬??西曼斯基(Szymanski)称正如国家的政府一样,运动组织也向他们的市民提供集体财产。

    Like national governments , sporting bodies provide collective goods for their citizens , notes Stefan Szymanski , an economist at in London .

  5. 首先从集体财产说起:在运动中,规则是最根本的。

    Start with public goods : in sport , the rules are the most fundamental .

  6. 社区公共资产既不同于传统“集体财产”,又不同于通常“社会资产”,具有非市场或“准市场”性质。

    Community public asset as a new form of social asset is different from the collective asset in the past planned economy .

  7. 第二部分从集体财产权利形成的角度论述国家、集体与农民的关系。

    The second part explores the relation among the nation , the collectivity and the farmer during the form of collective property rights .

  8. 但它又明显区别于改革开放后以集体财产为基础组建的乡镇社区企业。

    Joint stock enterprises are state owned but different from the community enterprises of villages and towns based on collective property after reform and opening .

  9. 以行政村所有的集体财产为基础设立公司的,应当以村民小组为股东。

    Where a cooperative stock company is established on basis of the collective assets owned by an administrative village , the villagers'teams shall be shareholders .

  10. 司法实践中,由检察机关提起的刑事附带民事诉讼案件寥寥无几,没有起到保护国有、集体财产作用。

    In judicial practice , very few cases of this kind of lawsuit were filed by prosecutors , so state-owned and collective properties are not well protected .

  11. 医疗事故案件的发生严重侵害了公民的生命与健康,并给国家和集体财产造成重大损失。

    The medical malpractice has not only seriously violated citizen 's life and health , but also caused the heavy losses for national and the collective 's property .

  12. 如果是国家财产、集体财产遭受损失的,人民检察院在提起公诉的时候,可以提起附带民事诉讼。

    If losses have been caused to state property or collective property , the people 's Procuratorate may file an incidental civil action while initiating a public prosecution .

  13. 第二部分,介绍了村级财务管理的相关理论,对集体财产物资的保值增值和安全完整作了分析。

    Secondly , we introduce the systemic theory in village-level financial management , explain what is community property and how to maintain and appreciation the value of community property .

  14. 国有财产、集体财产和私人财产以及企业,都符合集合物的构成要求;它们之所以能作为物权的客体,是要适用统一的法律关系。

    State property , collective property , private property and enterprise are all suitable to be viewed as universitates , which could apply integrally certain legal relations as the object of property .

  15. 建立在包产到户及其基础上的家庭承包责任制的兴起,标志着国家主导集体财产权利制度的终结和农民的财产权利的实现。

    Truly , fixing of farm output quotas for each household and family contract for the duty system symbolize the end of People 's commune and the realization of farmer 's property rights .

  16. 检察机关是公共利益维护者,其在国有、集体财产受损而有关机关怠于行使职责时,主动提起附带民事诉讼是国家干预,并未违反处分原则。

    Prosecutors are defenders of public interests , when the relevant organs failed to exercise their duties , initiating the lawsuit is state intervention , this does not violate the principle of self-disposition .

  17. 本文从集体财产权利制度安排及变迁着手,通过对一个城市化进程中村庄历史的解读,来探讨建国后五十年来国家、集体与农民的关系。

    This thesis , from angle of the system arrangement and change of collective property rights , makes a historic research on the village-encircled-by-city and comes to a general conclusion in the right perspective .

  18. 一位党内干部并没有工厂的所有权,他甚至都不能在自己名下买一套公寓,但是他在党内的地位赋予他可以使用国家集体财产的待遇,其中包括了高级住房和特别饮食。

    A party boss did not own a factory personally-he could not even buy a flat-but his position in the party gave him access to the collective property of the state , including elite housing and special food parcels .

  19. 对分部门的损失率计算方法作了详细介绍,得出个人家庭财产、国家集体财产、农作物和海水养殖等分部门的损失率分别为:30%,4%,70%和100%;

    After introducing the methods of loss rate calculation , loss rates of private property , national collective property , crop and sea farming are estimated as 30 % , 4 % , 70 % , 100 % separately .

  20. 建筑施工安全关系到企业的前途和命运,良好的安全环境可以给企业带来社会信誉和经济效益,使国家和集体财产免遭损失,职工生命安全得到保障。

    Construction safety is of vital importance to the future and fate of the enterprises . Nice safety environment can bring social reputation and economic benefit to the enterprises , enable the national and collective property to avoid losing and ensure the safety of the employees .

  21. ARION集团的私有股东们持有集体的财产超过一亿美元。

    The private shareholders of The ARION Group have a collective net worth in excess of US $ 100 million .

  22. 知识管理作为一个系统,用来管理组织内生成的集体知识财产。

    Knowledge Management as those systems that manage the corporate knowledge asset that is generated throughout the organization .

  23. 私有财产从此受到法律的保护,并且与国有财产和集体所有财产享有同等的法律地位。

    Since then , private property protected by law , and with the state-owned property and collective property of all enjoy the same legal status .

  24. 公民、法人由于过错侵害国家的、集体的财产,侵害他人财产、人身的,应当承担民事责任。

    Citizens and legal persons who through their fault encroach upon state or collective property or the property or person of other people shall bear civil liability .

  25. 损坏国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当恢复原状或者折价赔偿。

    Anyone who damages the property of the state , a collective or another person shall restore the property to its original condition or reimburse its estimated price .

  26. 第一百一十七条侵占国家的、集体的财产或者他人财产的,应当返还财产,不能返还财产的,应当折价赔偿。

    Article 117 Anyone who encroaches on the property of the state , a collective or another person shall return the property ; failing that , he shall reimburse its estimated price .

  27. 在公益征收、征用的对象上,应包括无形资产和集体所有财产,现阶段原则上不宜把国家对个人和集体财产权的限制也包括在公益征收范围之内;

    For the object of the commonweal expropriation , intangible asset and the collection-owned property should be included , while at the present stage , the state 's limit on the individual and the collection property right should not be included ;

  28. 第一百零九条因防止、制止国家的、集体的财产或者他人的财产、人身遭受侵害而使自己受到损害的,由侵害人承担赔偿责任,受益人也可以给予适当的补偿。

    Article 109 If a person suffers damages from preventing or stopping encroachment on state or collective property , or the property or person of a third party , the infringer shall bear responsibility for compensation , and the beneficiary may also give appropriate compensation .

  29. 劳动群众集体所有的财产。

    Property owned collectively by the laboring masses .

  30. 财产是法人的重要特征,也是承担民事责任的根基,故本文详细介绍了农村集体经济组织财产折股量化的过程与形成的股份结构。

    Property is a legal person , but also the important characteristics of the foundation shall bear civil liability , so this paper introduces in detail the rural collective economic organizations property fold quantitative process and form shares structure .