
  • 网络mikhail;Michael
  1. 亚历克斯和米哈伊尔当时是伙伴关系:米哈伊尔负责创新,亚历克斯是财务主管。

    Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then : Mikhail handled the creative side ; Alex was the financier .

  2. 俄罗斯亿万富翁,布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)老板米哈伊尔•普罗霍洛夫,以及特立独行的亿万富翁,维珍集团(VirginGroup)创始人理查德•布兰森,都对这项运动情有独钟。

    Russian billionaire and Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov apparently enjoys the sport as does the original extreme billionaire , Virgin Group founder Richard Branson .

  3. 随后他加入了menatep银行,该行的创立者与前老板是2003年被捕的石油大亨米哈伊尔霍多尔科夫斯基(mikhailkhodorkovsky)。

    He then joined menatep , the bank founded and formerly owned by Mikhail Khodorkovsky , the oil tycoon arrested in 2003 .

  4. 禁忌正在被打破,这种醉人的感觉让人联想起米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(mikhailgorbachev)的开放政策:政治控制突然放开,预示着苏联时代开始走向终结。

    The intoxicating sense that taboos are being broken is reminiscent of the outbreak of glasnost under Mikhail Gorbachev , which signalled the beginning of the end of the Soviet era .

  5. 真正投入重金的是俄罗斯寡头米哈伊尔•普罗霍罗夫(MikhailProkhorov),他掏出2亿美元注资篮网队,新球场也有他45%的股份。

    The real money comes from Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov , who paid $ 200m for the Nets and has a 45 per cent stake in the new arena .

  6. 其主要资产来自尤科斯石油公司(Yukos),这家公司在8年前,由于其老板米哈伊尔•霍多尔科夫斯基(MikhailKhodorkovsky)贪心不足蛇吞象而被克里姆林宫解散。

    Its main assets were grabbed from Yukos , an oil firm the Kremlin dismantled eight years ago after its boss , Mikhail Khodorkovsky , grew too big for his boots .

  7. 苏联领导人米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)的开放政策允许苏联成立之前以及苏联早期受打压的人物、历史和文学作品重见天日,在这种背景下,列娜•内米洛夫斯卡娅(LenaNemirovskaya)和尤里•塞诺科索(YuriSenokosov)酝酿创办莫斯科政治研究学院

    The Moscow School was planned as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev 's policy of openness allowed the exhumation of the suppressed people , histories and literature of pre-Soviet times and the USSR 's early years .

  8. 把会晤地点选在冰岛让人想起1986年美国总统罗纳德?里根(RonaldReagan)与苏联领导人米哈伊尔?戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)在冰岛首都雷克雅未克的商谈,那次商谈为一年后达成一项核武器控制条约奠定了基础。

    The choice of Iceland evokes memories of the 1986 talks in Reykjavik , the capital , between US president Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that laid the foundations for a nuclear arms control treaty a year later .

  9. 在前苏联最后的日子里,米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)的一位副手曾这样请求他:放弃苏联的计划经济,像中国那样推行市场改革。

    In the last days of the Soviet Union , one of Mikhail Gorbachev 's lieutenants came to him with a plea : ditch the Soviet planned economy and open up to ­ market reforms as China had .

  10. 这位英国前首相把自己视为美苏两国间的完美中间人,与里根和苏联总统米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)都建立了富有建设意义的关系。她告诉里根,戈尔巴乔夫是一个“我们能和他打交道”的人。

    The British prime minister saw herself as the perfect intermediary between the two countries , having struck up constructive relationships with both Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev , the Soviet president , and a man with whom she told Reagan " we can do business . "

  11. 米哈伊尔:哇,是耶,这真让人困惑。

    Mikhail : Wow , yeah , that 's really confusing .

  12. 米哈伊尔:这次你得指望你自己。

    Mikhail : You 're on your own on this one .

  13. 米哈伊尔四世的统治是足能胜任的,但是他却患有癫痫病。

    Michael IV 's reign was competent , but he suffered from epilepsy .

  14. 今日,我们对米哈伊尔在那关键性时刻所面临的巨大压力已有更全面的认知。

    Today we have a fuller appreciation of the tremendous pressure Mikhail faced in that pivotal time .

  15. 米哈伊尔:我很高兴我不用去担心这类事情。

    Mikhail : I 'm so glad I don 't have to worry about things like that .

  16. 1987年,美国总统里根和苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫签署一项条约第米哈伊尔呼唤销毁中程核导弹。

    In1987 , President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S.Gorbachev signed a treaty calling for destruction of intermediate-range nuclear missiles .

  17. 米哈伊尔:我之所以决定参选是因为我想在那些党派争吵中发出自己的声音。

    Mikhail : I decided to run because I wanted to be a voice of reason in the partisan bickering .

  18. 但是比起被外星人绑票,米哈伊尔-库雷霍夫的工作看起来更为离奇:谋求西伯利亚独立。

    But it 's possible that alien abduction is more likely than what Mikheil Kulekhov is working for : Siberian independence .

  19. 蒙狄死后,负责改版的,神学家们,特别是马里。路易斯。,哈泽,米哈伊尔试图解决问题。

    After Montinari 's death the theologists in charge of the edition , particularly Marie Louis Hase and Mikhail Colembach attempt to solve this problem .

  20. 总理诺盖杰里说,格鲁吉亚总统米哈伊尔。萨卡什维利星期三宣布国家进入紧急状态并签署了相关法令。

    Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili declared on Wednesday a state of emergency in the capital Tbilisi and signed the relevant decree , Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli said .

  21. 米哈伊尔:在我决定成为竞选候选人的时候,我真不知道需要迎合这么多的团体以争取获得他们的支持。

    Mikhail : When I signed on as a candidate , I had no idea I 'd have to pander to every group out there to gain their support .

  22. 米哈伊尔博士表示,女性第1次被诊断出患有心脏病时,其年龄往往要比男性大10岁左右,而在她们首次经历心脏病发作时,这一年龄差距则扩大到了20岁。

    Dr Mikhail said when women first turned up with heart disease they tended to be10 years older than men , and20 years older when they had their first heart attack .

  23. 在20世纪西方小说理论的发展历程中,前苏联学者米哈伊尔?巴赫金与捷裔法国小说家米兰?

    In the development course of the theory of the western novel in the 20th century , scholar of the former Soviet Union Bakhtin and French novelist Kundera are occupying very important status .

  24. 认为困扰今天人类的问题能够用过去用过或者有效的方式方法来解决是幼稚的&米哈伊尔。谢尔盖耶维奇。戈尔巴乔夫。

    It would be naive to think that the problems plaguing mankind today can be solved with means and methods which were applied or seemed to work in the past & Mikhail Sergeyivich Gorbachev .

  25. 来自悉尼大学的迈克尔•哈雷和米哈伊尔•普罗科彭科表示,虽然我们只拥有5个亲密朋友,但是我们可以通过他们把自己的社交网络扩展至132人。

    Michael Harr é and Mikhail Prokopenko , both with the University of Sydney in Australia , said while we may only have five close friends , our social network from them can extend to 132 people .

  26. 但国内外鲜少有人运用苏联著名哲学和语言学大师米哈伊尔?巴赫金的对话理论对该作品展开对话性研究。

    However , very few scholars at home and abroad ever attempted to apply the dialogue theory proposed by M.M. Bakhtin , a famous philosopher and linguist of the Soviet Union , to carry out the dialogic study on the classic piece .