
  • 网络collective construction land
  1. 重庆城郊集体建设用地流转机制构建

    On Constructing Collective Construction Land 's Transference Mechanism in Chongqing

  2. 但目前仍禁止农村集体建设用地上的小产权房合法化。

    But the ban is still on the rural collective construction land house property legalization .

  3. 迎接集体建设用地入市浪潮

    Collectively Owned Land for Construction Directly Entering the Market is Coming

  4. 集体建设用地流转制度变迁的经济分析

    Study on System Change of Collective - owned Construction Land Transfer

  5. 集体建设用地流转可行性研究及制度构建

    On Feasibility and Institutional Establishment of Collectively-owned Constructive Land 's Transfer

  6. 我国农村集体建设用地流转市场机制研究

    Study on the Market Mechanism of Rural Collective Construction Land Transfer

  7. 该理论对当前集体建设用地的流转制度创新具有一定的指导意义。

    This theory can be used for reference in the land transference .

  8. 农村集体建设用地自发流转的原因探讨

    A Probe Into Reasons for Automatic Conversion of Rural Collective Construction Land

  9. 创新集体建设用地使用权流转制度的思考

    Innovation on the Transferring System of the Usufruct of Collective Construction Land

  10. 论农村集体建设用地使用权流转的立法问题

    Explication of Legislation on Use Right Circulation of Rural Collective Construction Land

  11. 集体建设用地价格形成机制研究

    Research on Price - Forming Mechanism of Collectivity - Owned Land for Construction

  12. 第四部分是集体建设用地流转交易制度。

    The fourth part is about the transfer system of collective construction land .

  13. 农村集体建设用地流转治理的路径选择

    Path Selection in Rural Collective Land Circulation for Construction

  14. 农村集体建设用地的取得包括原始取得和继受取得。

    The rural collective construction land tenure includes original acquisition and derivative acquisition .

  15. 因此,研究和规范集体建设用地流转,具有极其重要的意义。

    Hence , it is urgent to research and regulate collective land circulation .

  16. 本部分构建了集体建设用地流转制度的框架体系结构。

    This part constructs the framework of the collective construction land transfer system .

  17. 农村集体建设用地流转中迫切需要解决的几个问题探讨

    A Discussion of Some Problems Concerning Collective Construction Land Transaction in Rural Area

  18. 中国农村集体建设用地使用权流转政策的梳理与展望

    Analysis and Outlook of Circulation Policies on Rural Collective Construction Land Tenure in China

  19. 集体建设用地使用权若干问题研讨

    A Study on the Issues of the Use Right to the Collective-Owned Construction Land

  20. 集体建设用地使用权流转研究&一个博弈模型的构建

    A Study of Collective Construction Land-Use Right Transfer & Construction of a Game Model

  21. 农村集体建设用地直接进入市场模式构建

    On the Construction of the Model of Rural Collective Building Land Directly Entering into Market

  22. 农村集体建设用地基准地价评估研究

    Rural Collective Construction Land Premium Assessment Base

  23. 农村集体建设用地制度与土地资源优化配置探讨

    Discussion on the System of Rural Collective Construction Land and Optimal Allocation of Land Resources

  24. 加强农村集体建设用地规划管理初探&以北京地区为例

    A study of how to improve administration of rural collective construction land planning in Beijing

  25. 农村集体建设用地作为农村集体土地的重要组成部分,在我国经济发展中发挥着重要作用。

    Rural collective construction land is an important part of rural collective land in china .

  26. 农村集体建设用地发展权配置模式分析:委托代理视角

    On Allocation Modes of Rural Collective Construction Land Development Rights : a Perspective of Principal-agent

  27. 重庆市农村集体建设用地流转问题探讨

    The Discussion of Issues of Circulation of the Constructive Land of Rural Collective in Chongqing

  28. 集体建设用地使用制度改革中的几个问题

    Several Problems in the Reform of Land Use System of Collective - owned Land for Construction

  29. 在这种形势下,现行的集体建设用地流转制度需要进行改革和完善。

    In this situation , the existing collective construction land transfer system needs reform and improve .

  30. 除了征地供地方式外,农村地区还存在数量巨大的集体建设用地。

    Besides land requisition , there are huge quantities of collective construction land in rural area .