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yǎ shì
  • a refined scholar;a person of refined tastes;scholar
雅士 [yǎ shì]
  • [scholar] 高尚文雅的人

  • 文人雅士

雅士[yǎ shì]
  1. 与文人雅士们在其私人园子中所为一样,乾隆皇帝也为他的宫苑景点选取优雅的名字和富有诗意的主题,来呈现独创景物如画般的形象。

    The emperors practice was quite in line with what a refined scholar did for his private garden , that is , to use an elegant name and poetic theme to make manifest a pictorial image of the uniquely created scene .

  2. 唐代著名画家戴蒿所画的牛历来为文人雅士钟爱。

    Dai Song was a famous painter in Tang dynasty and his paintings of ox were always cherished by Brahmins .

  3. 倦游的商贾和爱好山林的雅士们还没有发现它。

    Retired cloth-merchants and rusticating attorneys had not discovered it as yet ;

  4. 陶渊明是古代的文人雅士。

    Tao Yuanming was a man of letters and refined scholar in ancient times .

  5. 我要一辆福特雅士。

    I want a Ford Escort .

  6. 名绅,雅士从容于现代繁华与自然沉静之间。

    Celebrated gentlemen and refined scholars take it easy between modern bustling and nature 's stillness .

  7. 收藏雨花石也早在宋代就作为文人雅士们的休闲活动。

    Collection stone as early as in the Song dynasty as their leisure activities of the literati .

  8. 现在我们只能想象当时在这馆里文人雅士相互讨论、切磋砥砺的场面。

    Now we could only image the scene that scholars and gentlemen discussing literature in this hall .

  9. 由于文化性格上的差异,浙之东西的文人雅士彼此瞧不起。

    Because of the cultural differences , people from the Western and Eastern Zhejiang looked down upon each other .

  10. 翡翠手把件是众多翡翠雕刻件中的一部分,造型多样、内容广泛、寓意丰富,为文人雅士所喜爱。

    Jade hand pieces as part of jade carving works feature in diverse modeling , wide range and rich meaning .

  11. 瀚枫雅士美容减肥中心是一家以国际化运营模式经营管理的专业男士会馆。

    Han Feng Ya Shi Beauty & Weight Loss Center is a professional men 's club which adopts international operation mode .

  12. 审美艺术活动并非康德以来的美学所宣称的是一种文人雅士无关痛痒的、审美的趣味性活动,而是一种与科学研究一样的人类的知识生产活动。

    Aesthetic judgment is not a scholarly and delightful activity but an human activity which generates knowledge like other scientific research .

  13. 他的隐逸词表现隐居林泉的雅士情怀,节序词凸显及时行乐思想和生命有限意识。

    His reclusive lyrics reflect feelings of seclusion landscape ascot , prologue highlights sense of carpe diem and thinking of limited life .

  14. 名人雅士多以内画壶作为别致礼品赠送达官友人。

    The celebrities and the persons of refined taste liked to present the inner-painted snuff bottles to officials and friends as exquisite gifts .

  15. 为了纪念周年庆典,佛罗里达州梦幻飞行主题景区的创始人制作了当时汤雅士所驾驶飞船的复制品。

    To commemorate the anniversary , the founder of Florida 's Fantasy of Flight Attraction built a replica of Jannus 's original airboat .

  16. 韵是中国美学的一个重要范畴,有文字记载以来,受到了历代文人、雅士的关注与研究。

    Yun is one of the important category of aesthetics in China , and it arose great attention and research from the literator of every dynasty .

  17. 自清朝中叶起,琉璃厂逐渐地热闹起来,每逢科举会试,文人雅士常常聚集在这里。

    Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty , Liulichang gradually lively , and every civil service exam will test , scholars Aston often gathered here .

  18. 灵璧石因久负盛名,为历代帝王将相、文人雅士所钟爱,更受到今日广大爱石者的青睐。

    Ling Bishi by renowned for the ancient emperor , beloved by literati , but also by the love today the majority of the stone ages .

  19. 泰山壮观的自然风光和历史名胜,激发了历代文人雅士书法家为之舞文弄墨,创作了无数经典佳作。

    Mount Tai 's natural scenery and historical sites have inspired writers , scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties to produce numerous great works of all times .

  20. 中华民族有五千多年的辉煌灿烂的文明历史,在这悠久的历史中沉淀的文化艺术培养了无数的文人雅士。

    The Chinese nation has 5000 years of glorious and splendid history of civilization and long history in the arts and culture sediment has trained numerous literati .

  21. 敦煌的壁画,在当时都是民间画工,下里巴人的东西,而现在,那个文人雅士敢说它俗?

    Dunhuang The murals , painted at the time workers are civil , the next thing people riba , and now , the literati say it is vulgar ?

  22. 古人将雪水誉为“天泉”,不少文人雅士喜欢用雪水泡茶。

    The ancients praises as snow mushroom aqua " spring in the sky ", not a few scholar refined scholars like to use snow mushroom water pocket tea .

  23. 基于多年来在空调设备制造领域之经验、技术和声誉,雅士空调产品行销世界各地及中国市场,深受各地客户之欢迎。

    By right of our rich experience , advanced technology and good reputation in air conditioner manufacturing industry , our products are popular in all over the world .

  24. 因此,与乡村农民、达观显贵和文人雅士相比,中国古代的市民阶层有着自己独特的文化品位、审美理想和艺术追求。

    Therefore to compare to village farmer , high officials and noble lords and literati Chinese ancient townspeople had their own cultural taste , aesthetic ideal and artistic pursuit .

  25. 他开始有系统的钻研中国文人雅士的画作,特别崇尚八大山人和董其昌,对他们画作中的精致细腻以及敏锐感性所深深感动。

    He delved into a systematic research on Chinese literati painting , fascinated by the exquisite refinement and sensitivity in the paintings of Bada Shanren and Dong Qichang in particular .

  26. 从徽州出走的扬州盐商和他们的故乡一样不过分张扬,且有风流儒雅的气质,善结识文人雅士,而且谈吐不凡。

    Huizhou salt merchants of Yangzhou away from their hometown as overly assertive , and there is refined romantic temperament , good to know the literati , and extraordinary conversation .

  27. 这里靠近三环,交通便利,办公环境优雅、气派,是名人雅士汇聚的最佳场所。

    Jingguang Centre , where is close to the Three-Ring Road that is convenient transportation , has elegant office environment and is the best place where the elites get together .

  28. 文人雅士以茶入画、入书、入诗,故茶画、茶书、茶诗等艺术作品多不胜举。

    Literati tea art , into the book into the poem , so the tea painting , tea books , tea poems and other works of art too numerous to cite .

  29. 即便没过时,他们也不再魅力如初(尽管倾己所有、花费不菲除去了面部的角质),因为他们已经被名为“来雅士”的新种男性所取代。

    Or most likely isn 't that attractive ( even having spent all his money on expensive face exfoliants ) and has been dumped for a new breed of masculinity , the ' Ladult ' .

  30. 同时,徽州地势斗绝、山川峻美的地貌吸引了历史上热爱自然山水的文人雅士及躲避中原战乱的士族们的迁徙,由此造成徽州人口与土地之间的矛盾。

    Meanwhile , the beautiful landscapes of Huizhou terrain , mountains attracted the people who loved the natural landscape and avoided the war of Zhongyuan , resulting in the contradiction between population and land of Huizhou .