
  1. 这在大型孔庙雅乐舞蹈&祭孔乐舞中表现突出。

    This temple in large advocate in the grand dance-offering hole prominence .

  2. 因此这套雅乐舞蹈制作不久,就无可避免的走向衰落。

    Not long after this set of Elegant Music was composed , it inevitably plunged into a downfall .

  3. 伎乐舞蹈,是一个很宽泛的概念,包括除雅乐舞蹈之外舞蹈形式。

    The Jiyue dance is a broad concept that included any ancient dance forms other than the Yayue dance .

  4. 现在还有踪迹可寻的祭孔乐舞,就是雅乐舞蹈的孑遗。

    The dances to pay tribute to Confucius that may be found today is just the last traces of the Elegant Dance .

  5. 雅乐舞蹈的主要内容是“六大舞”,也称“六代舞”,代表六个朝代。

    The chief content of the dance for Yayue was the " six major dances ", or the " six-dynasty dances ", which represented six dynasties .

  6. 而雅乐舞蹈、伎乐舞蹈、民俗舞蹈、宗教舞蹈则是中华舞蹈文化传统的重要组成方面。

    In the Chinese dance tradition , the elegant official dance , the dance by folk troupes , the dance of folk customs , and the dance on religious occasions were the most important .