
  • 网络Overnight Rate;Shibor;Eonia
  1. 与官方隔夜利率相比,libor仍然明显高企目前,联邦基金利率(federalfundsrate)为2%。

    LIBOR remains particularly elevated when compared with the official overnight rate the federal funds rate of 2 per cent .

  2. 然后借助五种GARCH类模型对上海银行间同业拆放短期利率各个方面的波动特征进行实证研究,得出模拟SHIBOR隔夜利率序列及一周利率序列波动最佳的模型。

    And then various aspects in short-term interest rate characteristics have empirically researched with five GARCH type models , obtained the best model on simulation SHIBOR overnight rate sequences and sequences of the week fluctuations in interest rates .

  3. 尽管美联储(fed)已将隔夜利率从一年前的5.25%调降至目前的2%,但目前的抵押贷款利率高于一年前的水平。

    Although the Federal Reserve has reduced the overnight interest rate from 5.25 per cent a year ago to 2 per cent now , mortgage interest rates are now higher than they were a year ago .

  4. 由于基准隔夜利率几乎为零,日本央行(boj)无法像新西兰在2月份基督城地震发生后所做的那样降息。

    With its key overnight interest rate at almost zero , the Bank of Japan could not simply go lower , as New Zealand did after the February Christchurch earthquake .

  5. 欧洲央行已将隔夜利率降至与其主要政策利率一致的水平。

    The ECB has brought overnight interest rates back in line with its main policy rates .

  6. 即便降息之后,隔夜利率仍比通胀率高出5个百分点。

    Even after the cut , the overnight rate is about 5 percentage points higher than the inflation rate .

  7. 对瑞典货币克朗的徙劳抵抗,导致隔夜利率从5个点猛增到500%。

    A vain effort to defend Sweden 's currency , the krona , caused overnight interest rates to spike at one point to500 percent .

  8. 即使在2006年日本央行的隔夜利率已经小幅升至0.25%,澳大利亚的利率还整整高出6个百分点。

    Even in 2006 , by which time the Bank of Japan had inched overnight rates up to 0.25 per cent , Australian rates were a full six percentage points higher .

  9. 美联储做出反应,接连向市场注入200亿美元和500亿美元资金,但截至昨日午盘,仅使隔夜利率回落至3.5%至4%之间。

    The Fed responded with back-to-back injections of $ 20bn and $ 50bn but could only bring the overnight rate back down to between 3.5 per cent and 4 per cent by midday .

  10. 但是美联储做出缩减购债规模决定的同时也给市场吃了一颗定心丸:它表示,在失业率降至6.5%下方后,预计还将在较长时间里维持隔夜利率在零附近不变。

    But the decision to scale back the bond-buying program came with a sweetener : The Fed said it anticipates keeping its target for overnight interest rates near zero ' well past the time that the unemployment rate declines below 6.5 % . '

  11. 的确,美联储(USFederalReserve)上周确认,一直到2013年中期,都将会把隔夜拆借利率维持在接近零的水平。

    Indeed , the US Federal Reserve this week affirmed it would keep overnight interest rates anchored near zero until the middle of 2013 .

  12. 鉴于美联储(federalreserve)将隔夜贷款利率保持在接近于零的水平,两年期美国国债的收益率仍不到1%。

    With the Federal Reserve keeping its overnight lending rate near zero , the yield on a two-year Treasury remains less than 1 per cent .

  13. 随着银行缩减了存于欧洲央行(ecb)、高出存款准备金要求的资金额即过剩流动性,欧元银行间隔夜贷款利率已“恢复常态”。

    Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .

  14. 欧洲央行负责设定Eonia已有时日,它是一种帮助控制通胀的隔夜借贷利率。

    The ECB already sets EONIA , an overnight lending rate that helps control inflation .

  15. 在六大央行上周四上午提出注入令人震惊的1800亿美元资金后,银行间隔夜拆借利率(以伦敦银行同业拆息(Libor)衡量)上周末大幅下挫。

    The cost of borrowing overnight funds in that sector ( as measured by Libor ) tumbled late last week after central banks offered to inject an eye-popping $ 180bn on Thursday morning .

  16. 德国产业投资银行(ikb)出现的问题,致使国内同行于8月2日为其纾困,但这种做法结果加剧了不安状况,导致银行间市场隔夜贷款利率迅速走高。

    The problems at German bank IKB resulted in a bail-out by local peers on August 2 , but this only heightened the tension and led to fast-rising interest rates in the overnight lending markets between the banks .

  17. 然而,多数利率仍维持在极高的水平上但隔夜美元利率是一个明显的例外。

    However , most rates with the notable exception of overnight dollars remain extremely elevated .

  18. 因此,当美联储下调隔夜拆借利率时,可能无助于阻止信贷紧缩的势头。

    Thus , when the Fed cuts overnight rates , it may not stop credit from contracting .

  19. 我国货币市场的参考利率一般有隔夜回购利率、7天回购利率和央行票据的发行利率。

    The overnight repo rate , 7-day repo rate and bank note issue rate are the major reference rates of China monetary market .

  20. 尽管隔夜拆息利率有所下降,但1个月以上的银行间拆借利率仍处于高位。

    In spite of a drop in overnight rates , the cost banks charge each other to borrow beyond a month remained high .

  21. 去年6月,一场更为严重的信贷紧张导致银行间拆借市场的隔夜拆借利率飙升至高达30%。

    In June , an even more severe credit crunch sent the overnight lending rate as high as 30 % on the interbank market .

  22. 中国央行推高离岸银行间隔夜拆借利率,也打击了债市价格。

    By pushing up the rate that banks charge one another to borrow overnight , the central bank also hit prices in the bond market .

  23. 这项举措出台之际,还有迹象表明,欧洲银行间市场某些领域的流动性最近已明显下降,推动隔夜借款利率大幅上阳。

    It also came amid signs that liquidity has recently evaporated from parts of the European inter-bank market , pushing overnight borrowing rates sharply higher .

  24. 对于资产支持商业票据这种工具的恐慌,使得一些欧洲银行难以筹措到短期资金,从而推高了货币市场隔夜拆借利率。

    That panic about ABCP vehicles has consequently made it hard for some European banks to raise short-term money , pushing up overnight money market rates .

  25. 美联储表示,将注入足够资金,阻止银行间隔夜拆借利率在年末高于设定的4.5%的目标水平。

    It said it would inject enough cash to stop the overnight bank borrowing rate rising above its target rate of 4.5 per cent at year end .

  26. 欧洲各货币市场昨日上午出现恶劣状况,随着各方不惜一切地争抢流动性,美元隔夜借贷利率一度触及10%。

    Brutal conditions in European money markets yesterday morning , saw the overnight dollar borrowing rate briefly hit 10 per cent amid a desperate scramble for liquidity .

  27. 美国的基准利率是联邦基金利率,这是一种银行间隔夜拆借利率,由美联储对它实施影响。何时提高这一利率,是美联储讨论的焦点。

    The timing of an increase in the benchmark federal-funds rate a Fed-influenced rate at which banks lend to each other overnight is a centerpiece of Fed discussions .

  28. 尽管联邦基金利率即商业银行间隔夜拆借利率连续降息三次,但到12月11日,银行已连续三个月高息贷款,利息比3月份的还高。

    Despite three reductions in the Fed funds rate , banks were still paying more on December11th to borrow money for three months than they had been in March .

  29. 央行可能会提高4.5%的隔夜现金利率目标后,明天最积极一轮不变克制零售销售和削减了四分之一按揭贷款。

    RBA will probably leave the overnight cash rate target at4.5 % tomorrow unchanged after the most aggressive round of increases restrained retail sales and slashed mortgage lending by a quarter .

  30. 巨额美元投放市场,在压低隔夜拆借利率方面取得了某些成功,这些利率在周三飙升至反常水平,把反映系统性压力的指数推至历史高位。

    The flood of dollars had some success in bringing down overnight borrowing rates that had hit extraordinary levels on Wednesday and brought barometers of systemic stress back from historic highs .