
  • 网络Limited height
  1. 当水位超过限制高度时,发出信号启动自吸泵排水。

    When the level exceed limited height , the alarm send signals to start self-priming pump drain .

  2. 日本人以前曾试图用限制建筑物高度的办法来减少这种破坏。

    The Japanese tried in the past to limit such damage by controlling building heights .

  3. 口译中的交替传译是一项受时间限制的高度复杂的双语活动。

    Consecutive interpretation , one branch of interpretation , is a kind of highly complicated bilingual activity that is restricted by time .

  4. 市民对应否及如何限制发展高度以保护城市景观,表达了不同的意见。

    Members of the public have expressed different views on whether and how restrictions on the heights of developments should be imposed to preserve the urban landscape .

  5. 正如你知道的,在日本的首都东京,地震的危险限制建筑物的高度。

    As you know , in Tokyo , capital of Japan , earthquake danger limits the height of buildings .

  6. 特别要注意旁路,单行道,速度限制,最大高度或宽度限制等等。

    Special attention shall be paid to bypasses , one-way roads , speed limits , maximum heights or width limits , etc.

  7. 电子商务具有营销成本低、经营规模不受限制、支付手段高度电子化、便于收集和管理客户信息等特点。

    Electronic commerce is featured by low cost , no limitation of scale , electronic payment and easy collection and management of customer information .

  8. 由于工程规模的不断增大和地形地质条件的限制,边坡的高度越来越大,稳定性问题日益突出。

    As the slope becomes higher and higher , the stability problems of the slope becomes increasingly prominent because of the increasing project scale and the limited geological condition .

  9. 直到2010,巴黎政府开始限制新建筑的高度,规定部分新建筑不能高于37米或建筑层数不能超过11层。

    Up until 2010 , the city of lights had a banon how tall a new building could be , limiting most new structures to below 37 meters , or about 11 stories .

  10. 文中给出了带转换层简体结构抗震设计的几个概念,包括:限制转换层设置高度,控制转换层上、下层结构的等效刚度比,控制转换层与其上一层侧向刚度比等。

    Some aseismic design concepts of tube structure with transfer storey , including the level of transfer storey , the change rate of equivalent stiffness , the change rate of lateral stiffness , are presented .

  11. 但是在八度区工程应用中,由于异形柱截面薄弱导致抗震性能较差,从而限制了其结构高度。

    But in seismic zone with earthquake intensity of degree 8 , because of the weak seismic performance caused by the weak cross section in special-shaped columns , the height of the frame structure has been limited .

  12. 目前应用较多的是钢筋混凝土异形柱,但受抗震性能的限制,其建造高度和抗震设防烈度都有严格要求,制约了其进一步的推广和应用。

    Engineering practices at present is the special-shaped reinforced concrete ( RC ) column . However , in respect to applicable building height and seismic fortification intensity , traditional special-shaped RC columns have strict limitations in seismic behavior which hampers their further generalization and application .

  13. 太阳能路灯是太阳能应用产品的重要代表,其应用受到诸多条件的限制,如灯本身特性的限制、灯杆高度的限制、太阳电池组件安装方式的限制和环境条件的限制等。

    Solar light is an important representation of solar energy produces , but its application is restricted by many factor , example of the lamp characteristic , the light pole height , the solar module sitting mode and circumstance condition etc.