
xiàn zhì diǎn
  • restriction point;restriction site
  1. 结论HCMV感染同步化于G0/G1期的细胞后,诱导CyclinE蛋白明显升高,激活CyclinE/Cdk2激酶,使细胞周期越过G1/S限制点,将细胞周期阻止于晚G1期。

    Conclusion : The expression of cyclinE and activity of cyclinE / Cdk2 kinase are increased obviously in G0 / G1 stage cells infected with HCMV , which may induce the cell cycle to overpass G1 / S restriction point and make the cell cycle arrested in later G1 stage .

  2. 细胞周期的G1-S限制点主要被一系列周期蛋白和丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶(称之为细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶(cyclin-dependentkinase,CDK)复合物)调控。

    Progression which is from the G1 phase to the S phase is regulated by a number of of cyclin and serine / threonine protein kinases known as cyclin-dependent kinase ( CDK ) complexes .

  3. 然而现有的主流商业GIS软件包,缺乏专门的空间点模式分析的模块,限制了点模式方法的使用。

    However , current commercial GIS software are short of special spatial point pattern analysis module which limit the use of point pattern analysis .

  4. 边约束表示每次通信的时间限制;点约束表示每台计算机的通信容量。

    Every edge constraint indicates the time spent for the corresponding communication task , and every point constraint indicates the communication capacity of the cor-responding computer .

  5. 模拟结果表明:板料中心曲率值偏低以及强制变形区和过渡区交界处的曲率突变是限制多点分段成形的主要因素。

    It is shown that the main issue for the sectional multi-point forming is the low center curvature and the drastic distortion on the front of the forming area .

  6. 因此,为何不限制食品销售点的密度,尤其是出售那些富含空热量的食品呢?

    So why not limit the density of food outlets , particularly ones that sell food rich in empty calories ?

  7. 在Pac-Man的专营权锦标赛版推出的重要补充时间限制,豆点乘数和动态转移的迷宫。

    The major additions to the PAC-MAN franchise introduced in Championship Edition are time limits , Pac-Dot multipliers and dynamically shifting mazes .

  8. 精轧工艺过程复杂,影响温度的变量繁多,但受现场条件限制有效测温点少,现有生产线利用PID调整机架间的喷淋水量的控制方法对终轧温度的影响有很大的滞后,效果并不理想。

    Hot rolling is a complex process , but only has two effective measuring points . The traditional control methods use PID algorithm to adjust the water spray between racks , which has a serious lag in finishing temperature control and cannot achieve satisfactory control performance .

  9. 利用数值计算方法的稳定性限制条件对质点位置的搜索算法进行了优化,极大地降低了算法的时间复杂度,提高了计算效率。

    This method is optimized by using the limit of stability of the numerical tidal model .

  10. 美丽的限制听起来有点像双关语,但实际上它就隐含了挑战与效果。

    A Beautiful Constraint may sound like an oxymoron , but therein lies its challenge and effectiveness .

  11. 一个主管官员说新的文件“不会对美国的政策进行大的改动”并且不会对放宽太空的军事用途的限制这一点进行改动。

    An administration official said the new document " will not represent a major shift in US policy " and is not being written to relax the rules for the military 's use of space .

  12. 我们说,如果我们找到了在某个限制下最值点,如果我们在g的水平集里移动,f的值是不会变的。

    We said if we had a constrained minimum or maximum , if we move in the level set of g , f doesn 't change .

  13. 计算Mark区域中心点,Hough变换圆心累加范围限制在这个中心点附近区域。

    CIRCLE OF LIFE Knowledge Accumulating Skill By computing the center of the Mark region , the accumulating range of circle center in Hough transform is restricted near this center .

  14. 考虑现有检测技术的限制(有限测点及测试噪声的干扰),利用MonteCarlo方法量化了噪声干扰对识别结果的影响。

    Considered limitation of current test technologies on few test points and test noise disturbance , MONTE CARLO method is used to qualify and quantify the influence of these adverse factors in detail .

  15. 与使用串口、红外接口的传统网络相比,UPnP网络不受控制接口数量的限制,将控制点接入Internet后即可实现因特网远程控制。

    Compared with traditional control network with serial interface or infrared interface , UPnP network is not restricted by quantity of interface . Furthermore , telecontrol can be realized with a control point in the internet .

  16. 在MIT中显示STF作用无种属特异性限制。这一点为动物来源的STF治疗人类肿瘤提供了依据。

    From MIT test , show that STF effect has no species limit , and this provides the basis for treat human tumor with STF which came from animals .

  17. 假如我们在某个限制上的最小点或者最大点。

    Let 's say that we are at constrained min or max.

  18. 附有限制条件的逐点压缩算法的设计与实现

    Design & Realization for the Algorithm of Point-by-point Compression with Restriction Condition

  19. 但是它们一定是,一些在限制内的临界点。

    They are guaranteed to be somehow critical points end of a constraint .

  20. 第五部分对受益人及其受益权的保护和限制作了一点补充。

    In Part Five , the author discusses the protection and limitation of the insurance beneficial right .

  21. 它能将目标同名点限制于一个点上,将目标同名线限制于一条线上。

    It can restrict the object correspondence points to one point and the object correspondence lines to one line .

  22. 但是众所周知,多线程编程是很容易出错的,所以这个限制并不是一点益处都没有。

    But multithreaded programming is notoriously hard to do correctly , so this limitation is not without a silver lining .

  23. 盖特纳表示,亚洲也应一道对衍生品交易实行严格限制,这一点至关重要。

    Mr Geithner said it was essential for Asia to fall into line in imposing tough restrictions on derivatives trading .

  24. 地钻机底座进行模态试验,往往由于工作环境的限制和需要测点较多,给测试工作带来很大不便;

    Sometimes the modal tests on rig substructure are difficult because of environmental restriction or need of too many testing spots .

  25. 昨天,委员会根据诉讼,建议对粉刺药的严格的限制应该放松一点-但只是一点。

    Yesterday 's committee followed suit , recommending that strict limits on access to Accutane be eased & but only a bit .

  26. 随着“距离的消失”,我们已不再受实际所处位置的限制,这一点为我们带来的利益不一而足。

    With the " death of distance ", we are no longer limited by physical location – and the benefits are legion .

  27. 这样看来,留有余量或者允许团队超出限制多做一点对有些团队来说可能是一个不错的主意。

    Thus , having a slack or allowing the team to work more might seem like a good option which works for some teams .

  28. 除非人类认知存在某种内在的限制,这一点很难说的准,必将能把更多的看似奇怪的现象一下子给解释清楚。

    Unless there are inherent limits on human understanding itself an unfathomable premise there will always be more apparently disparate phenomena to explain at one fell swoop .

  29. 好的日志系统:电子商务关系不受地理位置的限制,这一点几乎大家都认可。因此您需要好的日志系统,这样才能帮助远程的用户使用系统。

    Good logging : Almost by definition , e-commerce relationships are not limited geographically , so you need great logging to be able to assist a user remotely .

  30. 在软件生命周期的早期阶段进行估算时,往往受到需求文档不完整、不确定性高、时限要求紧等因素的限制,标准功能点方法并不适用,需要利用早期功能点方法进行估算。

    Constrained by imperfect requirement documents , high uncertainty and limited time , standard functional point method is not suitable for estimation in the early stage of software life-cycle .