
  1. 雷蛇公司CEO陈民亮则认为,公司的独立性是成功的必要因素。

    Tan , Razer 's chief executive officer , believes that the company 's independence has been integral to its success .

  2. 陈民亮表示,雷蛇希望使各大软硬件公司能够开发出在Oculus、索尼、三星和其他虚拟现实设备上无缝运行的产品。

    Tan says Razer wants to give game hardware and software companies the ability to develop products that will work seamlessly across Oculus , Sony , Samsung , and other virtual-reality devices .

  3. 陈民亮表示:其他公司要么卖硬件,要么卖软件,而我们软硬件都卖。

    While other companies either sell hardware or make software , we do both , Tan says .

  4. 雷蛇公司是罗伯特o卡拉克夫和陈民亮于1998年共同创立的,该公司主要向不被传统科技公司重视的游戏发烧友提供游戏鼠标等电脑配件。

    Robert Krakoff and Min-Liang Tan founded Razer in 1998 to introduce accessories such as gaming mice to an audience that was being ignored by traditional technology companies .

  5. 陈民亮表示:我们认为,这四块屏幕之间的界限正在变得模糊。同时,我们想为玩家提供完整的游戏体验。

    We see a blurring of lines across all of these four screens and we want to provide a holistic , integrated experience for gamers , Tan says .