
  • 网络Edward Chen
  1. 校长陈坤耀教授以总学长的身份,主持开幕礼。

    President Prof Edward chen , the chief mentor of the programme , presided at the opening ceremony of community-services day .

  2. 岭大校长陈坤耀教授在开学礼上,向新生阐释博雅教育,让学生认识社区服务是博雅教育中的重要一环。

    Welcoming the students , Lingnan universitys president , Professor Edward chen , explained the liberal arts education ethos and the importance of community service in liberal arts education .

  3. 陈坤耀教授于会议作主题演讲,表示面对创意经济的挑战,创造力及适应力将越来越重要。

    Delivering his keynote speech in the conference , Professor Chen said creativity and adaptability will become increasingly important in face of the challenge of a creative economy .