
  1. 北航方面表示,这一决定是在学校进行调查后做出的,调查发现陈小武性骚扰女生事件属实。

    The university said that the decision was made after an investigation conducted by the school found that " Chen did sexually harass female students . "

  2. 中国名校北京航空航天大学近日宣布,陈小武被免去了研究生院常务副院长职务,他的教学资格也被取消。

    Beihang University , a well-known Chinese university , announced Thursday that Chen Xiaowu was stripped of his post as executive vice-president with the university 's Graduate School and his teaching certificate was also canceled .

  3. 她哭着向陈小武求情,才得以毫发无损地逃出。随后,罗茜茜联系了其他受害者,并与她们组建了一个微信群,分享她们的遭遇,收集证据,随后上报了学校。

    She managed to leave the house unharmed after she began crying . Luo reached out to other victims and formed a WeChat group with them to share their experiences and collect evidence before submitting it to the university .