
  • 网络Housing Authority;Hong kong housing authority
  1. 他还服务于多个委员会,包括恒生指数顾问委员会(HangSengIndexAdvisoryCommittee)和香港房屋委员会(HongKongHousingAuthority)。

    He has also served on committees , including the Hang Seng Index Advisory Committee and Hong Kong Housing Authority .

  2. 工程设计检讨小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕

    Project Design Review Committee [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ]

  3. 租金援助计划附属小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕

    Sub-committee on the Rent Assistance Scheme [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ]

  4. 居者有其屋小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕

    Home Ownership Committee [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ]

  5. 马坑公共房屋计划专责小组〔香港房屋委员会〕

    Task Force on the Ma Hang Public Housing Development [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ]

  6. 私人机构参建居屋计划〔私人参建计划〕〔香港房屋委员会〕本地公务员建屋合作社

    Private Sector Participation Scheme [ PSPS ] [ Hong Kong Housing Authority ] Local Officers ' Co-operative Building Society

  7. 香港房屋委员会计划面向单身人士和家庭出售将军澳地区的“夹心阶层住屋”,申请已于昨日开始。

    Applications commenced yesterday in response to the Hong Kong Housing Society 's plans to sell sandwich-class flats in Tseung Kwan O for singles and families .