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  • Lu You
陆游 [lù yóu]
  • [Lu You] (1125-1210) 南宋山阴(今浙江省绍兴市)人。字务观,别号放翁。是南宋著名的爱国诗人。他的诗清新圆润,自成一家,且多是抒发爱国主义的诗作。以爱蜀中风土,题其诗集曰《剑南诗稿》,后世称为剑南派。他一生中共作了九千多首诗词,在中国文学历史实属罕见,是一位多产作家。共著有《入蜀记》、《南唐书》、《老学庵笔记》、《放翁词》等著作

  1. 辛弃疾与诗人陆游是好朋友。

    Xin Qiji and Lu You , another famous poet , were good friends .

  2. 陆游和他的涉商诗

    Lu You and his Commerce-related Poetry

  3. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。(陆游《游山西村》)

    Mountains multiply , streams double back I doubt there 's even a road ; | willows cluster darkly , blossoms shine another village ahead !

  4. 陆游宦游生涯的景观变迁

    Landscape Changes in the Life of Lu You 's Official Travel

  5. 陆游宦蜀期间佛道倾向的变化及其原因探微

    LU You in Sichuan : His variation on Buddhism and Taoism

  6. 我国宋朝陆游记载的短指畸形家系

    A Brachydactyly Pedigree Reported by Lu You in Song Dynasty of China

  7. 陆游的乡居生活与镜湖诗创作

    Lu You 's Rural Life and His " Jinghu Lake Poetry "

  8. 这时我想起陆游写出的一首诗。

    Then I called to mind a poem written by Lu you .

  9. 现代学者的研究倾向于从正面肯定陆游的爱国立场。

    Modern scholars tend to come from the front Lu certainly patriotic stance .

  10. 试论酒仙贺知章、陆游与鉴湖之关系鸭肉磷脂酶的提取及水解模拟体系初探

    Preliminary research on extraction of phospholipases in duck meat and model system of hydrolysis

  11. 梦诗:陆游爱国情怀的另一种表达

    " Dream poems ": Lu You 's Patriotism

  12. 放翁原本亦药翁&南宋诗人陆游与医药

    Southern Song Dynasty Poet LU You and Medicine

  13. 陆游后期诗歌作品中屡屡出现“饭牛”意象。

    An image of " feed cattles " appeared frequently in Lu Yous later poems .

  14. 陆游诗中的天山情结&南宋爱国诗对中唐诗的继承

    Mount Tian in LU You 's Poems

  15. 陆游“史笔山水”的写实品格与形态

    The realistic style and form of Lu you 's " landscape essays with historical background "

  16. 陆游与旅游文化

    LU You and Tourism Culture

  17. 论屈原、杜甫、陆游爱国诗的异同

    On the Differences and Similarities of the Patriotic Poems by Qu Yuan , Du Fu and Lu You

  18. 陆游民俗诗有着独特的艺术表现,本文主要从观照方式和审美取向两个方面来探讨。

    This article mainly from the the way of observation and aesthetic orientation to explore his folk-custom poetry .

  19. 从句法特征看陆游咏梅诗的风格成因

    Lu You 's Poems on Chinese Mei Blossoms and Their Style Formation : A Perspective of Syntactic Features

  20. 陆游辛弃疾在宋代武夷作家群的地位与影响

    Status and Influence of Lu You and Xin Qiji among Wu Yi Writer Group in The Song Dynasty

  21. 长歌当哭,寓悲于闲晚唐送人赴任诗情感探微沉郁悲怆简淡古朴陆游诗艺术风格论

    Heavy Sadness , Light and Primitive Simplicity & Discussion on the Art Style of Lu You ′ s Poems

  22. 何况,陆游又是认真观察,反复思考,融合于心,然后下笔。

    Moreover , carefully observing , repeatedly thinking , LuYou made these materials fused in his heart and penned .

  23. 论陆游爱国诗词中的梦意象&兼论宋代文人心态

    On the " Dream " Image of Lu You 's Patriotic Poems and Discussion about the Literary Men 's Mentality

  24. 陆游是我国古代诗人中最长寿者之一,卒年86岁。

    Lu you was one of long life poet in ancient time of our country , died 86 years old .

  25. 杨万里在宋代诗坛的地位超过陆游,这是南宋人的看法。

    According to the critics of the Southern Song Dynasty , Yang Wan-li was a better poet than Lu You .

  26. 放翁原具自家真&浅谈陆游词的内容特色

    Poet Lu You 's True Sincerity & A Primary Study in the Content Characteristics of Lu You 's " Ci "

  27. 陆游曾因坦率直言被降职四次,所以他最终辞职还乡。

    Four times demoted for his outspoken opinions , Lu finally resigned his civil-service commission and retired to his country estate .

  28. 进一步看,陆游自己编定《渭南文集》,其文体意识是非常强烈的。

    Furthermore , Lu You once districted " weinan in collection ", this made clear that his stylistic consciousness was very strong .

  29. 但是,陆游的书法成就及其书论思想,同样值得进行深入探讨。

    Yet he was also a good calligrapher , his achievement on calligraphy and calligraphy theory worthy of further research in depth .

  30. 自来评价陆游诗歌创作的发展,都把他在蜀中的生活作为一大关键。

    An the studies on the development of in You 's poetic creation have made his life in the province of Sichuan a crucial point .