
  • 网络gouges
  1. 玄武岩柱状节理面凿痕构造(Chiselstructure)的形态特征及其形成机理的探讨

    Morphological Characteristics of Chisel Structure and Their Forming Mechanism on the Surface of Columnar Joints in Basalt

  2. 笨拙的搬运工人把桌子强塞过门口,而有了一道凿痕。

    Clumsy movers made a gouge in the table by forcing it through the doorway .

  3. 实验中设计了一种数据采集电路对凹陷和凿痕两种典型的机械损伤缺陷进行检测。

    Two kinds of mechanical damage defects such as gouges and dents were detected in the experiment .

  4. 他的成熟风格由此成形:高挑细瘦的人体,凿痕累累的不规则表面。

    Thus he arrived at his mature style , which consisted of tall , attenuated figures with irregular , rough-hewn surfaces .

  5. 她的脸比较瘦,皱纹不多,是那种年龄很难刻上凿痕的面孔,你会觉得年轻时她一定是个美人,比她实际相貌要漂亮得多。

    Her face , thin and not much lined , was of the sort that ages gracefully , so that you thought in youth she must have been a much handsomer woman than in fact she was .

  6. 伟大的创意或平面广告,总是出其不意地单纯,触动人心而不凿斧痕。

    As I have observed it , great advertising writing , either in print or TV , is always .

  7. 本系列作品与传统文人石相似,其外型与结构均意图掩盖人工斧凿之痕,艺术家以手工将一片片的钢板锤打成精致光滑的平面。

    Similar to the traditional rocks , these works are constructed to hide the hand of their author , hand-hammered out of sheets of steel into exquisitely modulated surfaces .

  8. 周同宾的《天籁》不凿斧痕地将这三个层面和谐统一,以其特有的艺术魅力完成了作者引导读者关注人类生命状态,积极探求生命价值的艺术使命。

    With its particular artistic charming , the author leads the readers to pay attention to the life state of the humanity and completes the artistic mission of pursuing the life value actively .