
  • 网络drill jumbo;Drilling jumbo
  1. 因此,要保证凿岩台车的正常工作,就必须准确了解钻臂的动态特性,从而验证其结构能否克服由动载荷引起的破坏。

    Therefore , it is necessary to accurately understand the dynamic characteristics of drill jumbo boom and thus determine whether the structure can withstand the damage caused by the dynamic load .

  2. 凿岩台车是现代化的凿岩设备,主要用于隧道及地下工程、矿山开采,能方便移动并可同时支持多台液压凿岩机进行钻孔作业,具有作业效率高、钻孔定位准及作业环境好等特点。

    Drill jumbo is a modern drilling equipment which is mainly used in tunnel and underground engineering as well as mine exploitation . It can move expediently and support multiple rock drills simultaneously .

  3. MZC-4自带轨行门架式液压凿岩台车

    Gantry type hydraulic drill rig with on-board rails Model MZC-4

  4. H-128凿岩台车大修改造方案分析

    Analysis to General Repair and Reconstruction Scheme of H-128 Rock Drilling Rig

  5. 以SYT-18型凿岩台车为控制对象,利用MCS-51系列的8031单片机对其进行控制,这对凿岩台车的机电一体化,进而实现凿岩自动化方面是一次有益的尝试。

    The MCS 51 Series 8031 single chip computer is used to perform the control of SYT 18 jumbo , which is a useful attempt in making the mechanics and electronics into one body and further realizing the automation of drilling operation .

  6. 主要介绍了凿岩台车DCS12液压系统发热、欠压的主要原因及诊断、处理的办法。

    The paper mainly introduces hydraulic system of DCS12 rock drilling rig about main cause of heating and low voltage and means of diagnosis and treatment .

  7. 文中介绍了我国自行研制的MZC-4型自带轨行门架式液压凿岩台车的主要结构、性能参数和液压传动等设计上的特点。

    This article describes the design features in the main structure , performance parameters , and hydraulic system of gantry type hydraulic drill rig with on-board rails Model MZC-4 .

  8. 较详细地介绍了采用通用底盘构成井下无轨辅助车辆的优越性,WG-2型油车与WF-2型维修车的结构和工艺特点以及与铲运机、凿岩台车配套使用情况。

    This piece introduces in a bit detail the advantages of underground trackless auxiliary vehicles constructed with universal chassis , the structural characteristics of the model WG-2 oil ejecting vehicle and model WF-2 maintenance vehicle . The operation state when assisting LHDs and drill jumbos is concerned also .

  9. 凿岩台车支臂主参数的优化设计

    Optimization design of main parameters for the boom of drilling jumbo

  10. 凿岩台车数值输入控制定位方法

    A control method for drilling jumbo location through numerics input

  11. 凿岩台车液压系统流量压力特性分析

    Analysis of flow pressure properties of hydraulic system in a bench driller

  12. 轨行门架式凿岩台车发展概况

    Situation of the development of gantry - type drill rig on rails

  13. 凿岩台车自动化控制系统的发展、现状及展望

    Development and Prospect of Automatic Control System of Drill Rig

  14. 液压凿岩台车膨胀销的故障分析

    Failure Analysis of Expanding Pin on Hydraulic Rock Drill Rig

  15. 液压凿岩台车液压系统故障诊断

    Hydraulic system failure diagnosis of the rock breaking platform vehicle

  16. 凿岩台车定向定位自动控制系统

    Directional and Positioning Control System of Bore Hammer Flat Car

  17. 掘进凿岩台车爆破参数探讨

    Discussion on Blasting Parameters of Jumbo Rig in Tunneling

  18. 对液压凿岩台车在隧道施工中推广应用问题的分析

    Analysis of the problems existed in application of hydraulic jumbo to tunnel construction

  19. 支臂变幅机构参数,是凿岩台车工作装置设计中的重要参数。

    The swing-mechanism-parameters of the boom are important for designing operating rigs of drilling-jumbo .

  20. 凿岩台车伸缩臂试验模态分析

    Analysis to the Test Mode of the Telescopic Boom of the Rock Drilling Rig

  21. 介绍了国内外凿岩台车的研发情况。

    Research & Development of drilling jumbo both at home and abroad have been described .

  22. 插销式液压自动联接装置是一种优越的联接型式。凿岩台车的型式选择

    Pin-hydraulic pressure automatic connecting device is a excellent ane . Selecting of wagon drill types

  23. 多臂凿岩台车在矿山法暗挖隧道超前预注浆施工中的应用技术研究

    Application of Multi-boom Rock Drilling jumbos in Advance Pre-grouting Hole Drilling during Construction of Mined Tunnels

  24. 全液压凿岩台车专用防卡杆阀的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Special Valve for Preventing Rod from Jamming for Full Hydraulic Drilling Jumbo

  25. 凿岩台车的微机控制

    Microcomputer Control of Drilling Jumbos

  26. 本文利用计算机对凿岩台车支臂变幅机构参数选择与支臂运动和受力之间的关系,进行了数据模拟模型计算;

    This paper shows the data simulation of the relationship between the selection of the parameters and the boom moving and stress .

  27. 提出模块化的软硬件设计,分布式控制,网络服务和三维图形显示技术是凿岩台车计算机控制系统的进一步发展方向。

    Gives the technique prospect which points to modularized hardware and software design , distributed control , service through net and3D display of drilling process .

  28. 对凿岩台车大修改造方案进行了分析,指出了该方案在实施过程中存在问题及解决的办法。

    The paper makes analysis to general repair and reconstruction scheme of H-128 rock drilling rig , and indicates the problems exist in implementation of scheme and relevant resolvent .

  29. 本文详细阐述了MERCURY&14型全液压凿岩台车的结构特点、工作原理及在焦家金矿的使用情况。

    The author makes a detail description of the structure features and working principle of Model MERCURY-14 full hydraulic drilling jumbo as well as its operation in Jiaojia gold mine .

  30. 我校自行研制的新一代径向柱塞泵具有结构简单、噪声低、抗冲击性能好、寿命长等优点,在轧钢机、拉床、液压凿岩台车等冲击负载的设备中有广阔的应用前景。

    The new radial piston pump that designed by our college has many advantages , such as structure simplicity , low noise , good capacity of anti-impact , long using time and so on . It has broad applying prospect .