
  • 网络aru
  1. 阿鲁台主政东蒙古探析

    The Inquiry and Analysis of East Mongolia Ruled by Aru γ tai

  2. 2008年,刘特佐把一些中东资金引入马来西亚时,帮助马来西亚银行兴业资本(RHBCapital)从阿布扎比商业银行(AbuDhabiCommercialBank)筹集了资金。阿鲁很快就成为该行的一名高管。

    In 2008 , as Mr. Low was working to bring Middle Eastern money to Malaysia , he helped a Malaysian bank , RHB Capital , raise money from the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank , where Mr. Arul soon became an executive .

  3. 第二年,阿鲁进入了兴业资本的董事会。

    The next year , Mr. Arul joined a board of RHB .

  4. 阿鲁-M型有一个限位开关,并可以检查行动中,由监测。

    The ARU-M type has a limit switch and can check the operation by monitoring .

  5. 贵州彝族英雄史诗《支嘎阿鲁传》中的魔幻美

    The magic beauty of the Yi people 's epic of " Zhi Ga A Lu "

  6. 拉罗汤加的板球比赛,在艾图塔基岛的阿鲁坦加村举行。

    Game of cricket between Rarotonga , Aitutaki takes place at sports ground in small viallage of Arutanga .

  7. 对那些陷入困境苦苦争斗的人来说,老船长詹姆斯阿鲁达亨利的故事无疑是鼓舞人心的。

    For those faced with a struggle , Captain James Arruda Henry 's story is nothing short of inspirational .

  8. 国家简况:巴巴多斯、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、荷属安的列斯、阿鲁。

    Country Profile : Barbados , British Virgin Islands , Cayman Islands , Netherlands Antilles , Aruba , Origanisation of Eastern Caribbean States .

  9. 1月中旬,马来西亚媒体报道,阿鲁表示,那些影射他与“某些人”有关系的报道均有失公允。

    In mid-January , the Malaysian press reported that Mr. Arul said that any insinuations about connections to " certain individuals " were unfair .