
  • 网络alberti;Leon Battista Alberti
  1. 全文由三个部分构成,论述了阿尔贝蒂的集中式教堂设计及其宗教象征意义;

    The work is consisted of three parts , the first part discusses Alberti 's program of the centrally planned church and its symbolic significance .

  2. 但是整条短语,业已囊括了我们已知的阿尔贝蒂所具有的思想,同时此短语也充分阐明了阿尔贝蒂有关绘画艺术所采用的全新方式。

    But the whole phrase , taken with what we already know of Alberti 's thought , elucidates his completely new approach to the art of painting .

  3. 虽然论文乍看起来立论不够扎实,但阿尔贝蒂以其严谨的数学逻辑来支持他的理论并使读者信服。

    Although the treatise may appear at first glance to rest on rather unstable ground , Alberti reassures the reader and buttresses his theory with the logic of mathematics .