
zhèn yǔ
  • shower;plump;brash
阵雨 [zhèn yǔ]
  • [shower] 短时间内强度有显著变化的降雨

阵雨[zhèn yǔ]
  1. 雷阵雨马上就要来了。

    A thunder shower is coming up .

  2. 轻微的阵雨在窗帘上留下斑斑水迹。

    The curtain came out in spots with the light shower .

  3. 预报间晴,有阵雨。

    The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers .

  4. 今天下午天气晴好,间有零星阵雨。

    There 'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon .

  5. 天气预报上说多云并伴有阵雨。

    The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies

  6. 明天局部地区将会有阵雨。

    Tomorrow there will be a few scattered showers

  7. 呆在这儿的那天晚上很冷,阵雨不断,还刮着大风。

    It 's a cold night here , with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind .

  8. 明天可能有阵雨。

    Rain showers are likely tomorrow .

  9. 下了一阵雨,天气凉快多了。

    It gets nice and cool after a spatter of rain .

  10. 从加拿大边境到得克萨斯州中部有一片小雨和阵雨区。

    A band of light rain and showers extended from the Canadian border to central texas .

  11. 雨滴一多就形成阵雨。

    Many drops make a shower .

  12. 阵雨越来越小,最后变成了毛毛雨。

    The shower tailed off into a drizzle .

  13. 第二天,如果没有雷阵雨,所有的人就会来帮着用耙子把割下来的草收拢到一起,装上高高的干草车往谷仓拉,芬和埃弗里则坐到了车的最顶上。

    Next day , if there was no thunder shower , all hands would help rake and pitch and load , and the hay would be hauled to barn in the high hay wagon , with Fern and Avery riding at the top of the load .

  14. v.出现阵雨过后,太阳破云而出。

    emerge After the shower , the sun emerged from behind the clouds .

  15. 将有持续阵雨谢谢Nick这个星期似乎都要下雨了

    through the next few days . Thanks , Nick , sounds like we have a rainy week ahead ,

  16. Cleanroom空气阵雨与蓝色地板发黏的席子。

    Cleanroom air shower with blue floor tacky mat .

  17. 2004年6月14、15日连续2d宁夏大部地区出现了强雷阵雨天气,引黄灌区局部地区遭受冰雹袭击。

    A 2 day 's continuous severe thunderstorm occurred in most areas of Ningxia on June 14th and 15th , 2004 , part of the Yellow River irrigation region has been struck by hail .

  18. 我们都为FlintLockwood最新的全镇款待欢叫。在市长宣称的一个冰激凌雪夜。带来了冰冻的乐趣阵雨。

    we all scream for Flint Lockwood 's latest tasty town-wide treat . with flurries of frozen fun on what the mayor declared to be . an ice cream snow day .

  19. 雾愈聚愈浓就浓成了阵雨;

    The fog gathers , and then it brings momentary rain ;

  20. 批评之后的鼓励犹如阵雨之后的太阳。

    Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower .

  21. 但是这一阵雨是灌溉不了枯槁的土地的。

    But it was not enough to damp the parched ground .

  22. 温暖的天气和阵雨加速了植物的生长。

    Warm weather and showers hastened the growth of the plants .

  23. 我在回家途中碰上了一阵雨。

    I was caught in a shower on my way home .

  24. 气象预报员说有阵雨,却是倾盆大雨。

    The weatherman predicted a shower , but it 's pouring .

  25. 明天局部多云,下午有短暂阵雨。

    Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with a brief afternoon shower .

  26. 当他们正在做早操时,突然下了阵雨。

    While they were doing morning exercises , it suddenly showered .

  27. 天气预报说今天将有零星阵雨。

    The weather report says we 'll have scattered showers today .

  28. 好像要下一场雷阵雨。

    It seem as if there 'll be a thunder shower .

  29. 早晨的气象报告预测当天下午有雷阵雨。

    The morning forecast predicted thunder showers later in the day .

  30. 小石块阵雨般地落在我们身上。

    Small stones showered ( down ) on us from above .