
  • 网络yin-yang and five elements;The Theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements
  1. 叶芝的神秘哲学与中国阴阳五行学说之比较

    Comparison of Yeats ′ mystical philosophy with Chinese Yin-yang and Five Elements theory

  2. 试论阴阳五行学说对《文心雕龙》文学观的影响

    An analysis of the influence of Yin-yang and Five Elements theory on the literary view of Wen Xin Diao Long

  3. 阴阳五行学说在心理咨询中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements to Psychological Consultation

  4. 阴阳五行学说与哲学的在场、不在场&中西体验本体世界方式的差别

    Yin-yang Wu-xing and the Presence and Absence of Philosophy

  5. 阴阳五行学说和中国人的认识论

    The Yin-Yang / Five Elements Theory and Chinese Epistemology

  6. 阴阳五行学说对古代中国刑法的影响浅谈

    Comment on the Influence of the Theory of Yin-Yang on Ancient Chinese Criminal Law

  7. 传统的阴阳五行学说也在其中得到反映。

    The traditional theory of yin and yang and five of which are reflected also .

  8. 阴阳五行学说的政治辩证法思想

    The Political Dialectics Thought of the Doctrine of Yin and Yang and the Five - element

  9. 阴阳五行学说理论上适用于整个物质世界;

    Theoretically , the theory of yin and yang is suitable for the whole substance world .

  10. 阴阳五行学说与四行体液学说宏观框架体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Holistic Frames of Yin Yang Five Element Theory and Four Element Humor Theory

  11. 音乐本于太一,中医乐疗理论的源头是阴阳五行学说;这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    The theory of music therapy in TCM is based on the Yinyang theory and the five-element doctrine .

  12. 所以本论文是借用中国的阴阳五行学说宋阐释金属材料本身以及与其相关的创作。

    By quoting China 's yin-yang and five elements theory , this article explains the nature of metal materials and related creations .

  13. 根据中国传统的阴阳五行学说,九是阳数,因此它也被称为重阳节。

    According to traditional Chinese yin and yang theory , nine is a yang number , therefore it is also called Double Yang Festival .

  14. 汉语表绿色词语因受阴阳五行学说的影响在传统的色彩观念中地位极其卑微,绿色也因初生植物充满生机而成为生命、希望的象征。

    Chinese characters indicating green , influenced by the school of Yin-Yang and the Five Element , abase themselves in the traditional colour concepts .

  15. 中医学的形成与发展是以阴阳五行学说为指导的宏观框架体系,西方传统医学之产生和演化,则是以四行体液学说为基础的。

    Western traditional medicine lays its foundation upon Four Element Humor Theory , while Chinese medicine takes Yin Yang Five Element theory as its basis .

  16. 中医阴阳五行学说中的科学思想初探

    Progress in Science The Scientific Idea of the " Yin and Yang Doctrine " and the " Theory of Five Elements " of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  17. 中医学中的整体观念、阴阳五行学说和脏腑经络理论等,都充分体现了系统的观念。

    The overall concept , yin and yang theory , organs and meridians coincide in Traditional Chinese Medicine are fully embodied in the concept of the system .

  18. 前者与古人基于阴阳五行学说而形成的天人感应式的宇宙观以及对神秘力量的崇拜有关。

    The former relate to the cosmism and adoration to the mysterious nature strength in ancient times , it is based on the Yin-Yang and Five-element theory .

  19. 古代医疗实践在未与阴阳五行学说相结合之前,尚没有形成真正的中医理论体系;

    If not integrated with the theories of yin-yang and five elements , there was no real Chinese medical theoretical system in the medical practice in the ancient times .

  20. 本文以先秦文化史、学术史以及医学史资料为依据,结合中医理论的奠基之作《黄帝内经》的核心思想,认为对中医影响最大的哲学是中国古代的精气学说和阴阳五行学说。

    This thesis is based on culture history of the pre-Qin period , academic history and medical history materials , and combines the key thought of Yellow Emperor 's Inner Cannon .

  21. 阴阳五行学说作为中医最基础的模型,也是中医及整个中国传统科学建构的基础。

    The theory of yin-yang and five elements is the most basical model of Chinese medicine , It is also the foundation of the Chinese medicine and the whole Chinese traditional science .

  22. 而传统针灸学则是以阴阳五行学说、脏腑气血学说、经络学说等为基本理论;

    However , the basic theory of traditional acupuncture concerns yin and yang , and the five elements theory , the zang and fu theory as well as the qi and blood theory .

  23. 目前,对其数术建构方面的研究,多集中在阴阳五行学说、象数易学的分析,其它论述则较少或者零散,未够系统。

    At present , the research of its construction focus on the theory of Yin-Yang , Five-elements and the Yi doctrine of Xiang-shu , and others less discussed or scattered , not systematic .

  24. 《太平经》以阴阳五行学说作为道教思想的哲学基础,在立足阴阳之道阐述其神学宗教教理的同时,涉及了颇为丰富的妇女思想内容。

    Taiping Scriptures takes the theory on Yin and Yang as the philosophic base of Taoism , and expounds the theology and religious doctrine with it , implying lots of brilliant thoughts on woman rights .

  25. 董仲舒借用儒学的影响力,将儒学与阴阳五行学说结合起来,通过对历史现象的归纳来阐述自己的思想,并把它塞进了神学的外壳之中;

    Dong Zhongshu expounded his thought by combining Confucian theory with yin yang ( female and male ) and five-element theory and summing up the history phenomenon , meanwhile put it into the shell of theology ;

  26. 阴阳五行学说是中国传统文化区别于其他国家传统文化的特色之一,是中国古代自然哲学的重要组成部分。

    The theory of Yin and Yang as well as five elements is one of the traditional culture characteristics of China dis ˉ tinguished from other countries , is important composing part of ancient natural philosophy .

  27. 第二章色彩词的理论回顾,着重介绍了柏林和凯的基本色彩词理论以及中国的阴阳五行学说。

    Chapter Two , " Theoretic review of English and Chinese Basic Color Terms ", puts emphasis on Brent Berlin and Paul Kay 's " Basic Color Term " Theory and Chinese " Yin Yang Wu Xing " Theory .

  28. 结论:经脉理论是建立在阴阳五行学说基础上的衍生理论,其形成过程是由经脉现象归纳升华为经脉理论。

    Conclusion Theory of meridians is a derivative theory established on the basis of Yin , Yang and five-elements theory , and the formation course of meridians is induced and raised as theory of meridians from phenomena of meridians .

  29. 由于阴阳五行学说和天人相应学说是《内经》的基本哲学思想,因此四时、五脏脉象属于《内经》脉象的核心内容,亦即是本论文的重点。

    Because of Yin and Yang , the heaven corresponding theories are Nei Jing basic philosophy , and therefore ever-green , five zang-organs pulse Nei Jing pulse condition belongs to the core content of this paper , which is the key .

  30. 哲学方面,天人相应理论的提出显现的不同于先秦内省的精神要求,阴阳五行学说的应用,对事物之发展态势、内在因素的把握与认识都体现了汉代学人积极入世的心态。

    Philosophy , appeared to Nature of the Theory of the spirit of introspection is different from the pre-Qin demands the application of yin and yang theory , the development trend of things , grasp and understanding of the internal factors .