
  • 网络Shadowing;Shadowing Effect;shadow effect
  1. 由于海平面是一个粗糙面,阴影效应也给予了考虑。

    As the sea surface is rough , shadowing effect is considered .

  2. 由于本地频谱感知结果容易受到隐藏节点和阴影效应的影响,使感知结果不可靠。

    Because of the hidden node problem and shadowing effect , the local spectrum sensing results are not reliable .

  3. 等离子体源离子注入中的栅网阴影效应的离子动力学PIC模拟

    PIC Simulation of Grid-Shadow Effect in Plasma Source Ion Implantation

  4. 无线Mesh网络技术可以克服阴影效应和路径衰落,增加网络的覆盖范围,并以最少的有线工程量在大范围内迅速建立起来。

    Wireless Mesh Networks technology can overcome shadow Effect and signal fading , it can increase coverage of wireless networks , and work with minimum wired network support in a wide range area .

  5. 本文采用Suzuki过程作为无线信道的基本模型,模型中假设阴影效应作用于多径散射分量。

    The paper introduces Suzuki process as the basic model in wireless channels . In the model , the shadow affects the component of the multi-path .

  6. 磨损机理为WC对周围组织的屏蔽作用,即阴影效应,失效方式为WC颗粒因疲劳而片状剥落。

    And the abrasive wear performance of composites is increased with accretion of stress and WC volume fraction , abrasive wear mechanism is shield of WC to other organization , shade effect , and failure patter is flaky exfoliation of WC for fatigue .

  7. 由于主场的衰减,场源的存在还产生了阴影效应。

    Measurements display a shadow effect due to the primary-field decay .

  8. 庐山对九江城市旅游的阴影效应分析及对策研究

    Analysis of Tourism Shadow Effect of Mt. Lushan to Tourism of Jiujiang City and Countermeasures

  9. 阴影效应服从对数正态分布,而多径衰落服从瑞利分布。

    The shadow affect is logarithmic normal distribution , and the multi-path fading is Rayleigh distribution .

  10. 在明暗处理模型中考虑了物体对光的反射、透射、折射和阴影效应。

    In shading model , the reflective , transparent , refractive and shadow effects are considered .

  11. 采用中继传输能够抵抗无线信道的多径衰落,克服阴影效应,从而增强通信质量,提高频谱效率。

    Cooperative relaying can combat multi-path fading and shadowing effect in wireless networks to enhance communication quality and bandwidth efficiency .

  12. 中继技术能有效地扩大蜂窝小区的覆盖范围,克服阴影效应,有效地提高系统的吞吐量。

    Relays can be deployed in cellular wireless networks to extend coverage and combat shadowing , and thus significantly increase system throughput .

  13. 通过两个认知用户之间的合作,能够减少多径衰落和阴影效应所带来的单用户检测的不确定性。

    Through cooperation between the two cognitive users can reduce the uncertainty of single user detecting caused by shadowing and multi-path fading .

  14. 模拟实验的结果显示了栅网阴影效应的离子动力学形成机制,这与观察实验的结果相符。

    The results of the simulations demonstrate the forming mechanism of the grid-shadow effect , which is agreement with the result observed experimentally .

  15. 在移动无线通信系统中,由于用户的移动,接收信号不可避免地要受到多径衰落和阴影效应的影响。

    In mobile communication , for the movement of mobile terminal , the receive signals are affected by the multi-path fading and shadow effect .

  16. 这听起来好像是科幻电影里的东西,但最近公布的通过阴影效应发电是真实存在的实物装置。

    It sounds like something from a sci-fi movie , but the newly revealed Shadow-Effect Energy Generator ( SEG ) is a real prototype device .

  17. 因此本文针对交替式相移掩模,提出了一种考虑阴影效应的近似模型。

    Therefore , a new approximation model for alternating phase shift mask considering shadowing effects was proposed in this paper , and shadowing ratio was redefined .

  18. 协作检测能在很大程度上抑制多径衰落和阴影效应的影响,即使在严重的遮蔽环境下也能获得较高的检测概率。

    Cooperative detection can restrain multipath fading and shadow effect to a great extent , also it can improve the detection efficiency even in sever shadow environment .

  19. 同时沉积角对薄膜的沉积速率也会产生影响,这主要是由于阴影效应和表面吸附原子的迁移效应共同作用的结果。

    At the same time , deposition angle will also influence the deposition rate , which is mainly determined by the shadowing effect and adatoms surface diffusion .

  20. 卫星通信一般采用扩频通信技术来克服系统中的电磁互扰、阴影效应、多径衰落等影响。

    Spread spectrum communication Technology is the most useful method to overcome the electromagnetic interference , shadow effect and multipath fading of the LEO satellite communication systems .

  21. 背景气压对激光烧蚀等离子体谱线的影响,其机理可以认为是热库效应、约束效应及阴影效应相互竞争的综合结果。

    At the different environmental gas pressure , spatial emission intensity distribution is explained by the competition among " heat reservoir effect ", " confined effect " and " shadow effect " .

  22. 认知无线电最重要的组成部分是频谱感知,协作频谱感知能有效避免单用户感知过程中受阴影效应和初级用户位置不确定性的影响,可以更加稳定可靠地提供感知信息。

    A major factor of Cognitive Radio is spectrum sensing . Cooperative spectrum sensing can effectively avoid the influence of Primary user positional uncertainty and the shadow effect of the Single user perception process .

  23. 通过阴影效应发电利用明暗对比来发电,它是由硅晶片上的一系列薄金片组成,放置在软塑料底座上。

    The SEG uses the contrast between darkness and light to produce electricity . It 's made up of a series of thin strips of gold film on a silicon wafer , placed on top of a flexible plastic base .

  24. 首先分析几种常用的单用户频谱感知技术的适用范围,对于隐藏终端、信道衰落和阴影效应等导致的频谱感知性能的下降,引入多用户协作式频谱感知技术。

    Firstly , the scope of several common single-user spectrum sensing technology is analyzed . For the degradation of spectrum sensing performance caused by hidden terminal , channel fading and shadowing effects , the multi-user collaborative spectrum sensing technology is introduced .

  25. 另一方面,如果由基站到用户形成的下行链路受到严重的阴影效应影响,信号会非常微弱,所以无线中继可以用来扩大通信系统的覆盖范围。

    On the other hand , if the downlink transmission from the BS to the MSs is significantly degraded by the shadowing effect , the signal is very weak . In this case , the wireless relay station ( RS ) can be used to extend the coverage area .

  26. 考虑了城市峡谷的阴影和辐射吸收效应,对城市的热容量、位温分布、辐射量以及感热通量进行了数值模拟。

    The urban heat capacity , potential temperature , radiant quantity and sensible heat flux are numerically simulated in consideration of heating / cooling of sunlit / shaded surfaces and radiation trapping effects in street canyons and heat store in building .