
  • 网络EAS
  1. 我们以最先进的技术,最科学的设备生产适用于公共场所、住宅、公司机关各类监控视听防盗设备。

    Combine the advanced technology and scientific equipment , we produce various cctv , security alarm systems for house , office & public places .

  2. 目前已有的防盗报警设备,大多存在着成本高、监测距离短、误报率较高等很多问题。

    Most of the anti-theft alarm equipment has the disadvantage of high cost , short distance , high false and so on .

  3. 基于理论和技术的讨论,本文最终设计出了一个车载防盗终端设备模型,编制了设备的控制软件。

    Based on the theory and technology , an alarm product mode of vehicle has been accomplished and the control software has been designed .

  4. 本文概述了国内外防盗报警设备的发展情况,介绍了一种大规模通用报警监控系统的组成、原理以及几个关键技术问题的解决方法。

    This paper briefly introduces the development of theft guarding alarm equipments and puts forward the configuration , principle and solutions for some key technical problems of a large-scale general alarm monitoring system .

  5. 论文针对油田站点储油罐因大部分处于野外无人看守,没有安装任何油品防盗监控设备,储油罐的盗油无法及时发现和制止的现象,设计了一套解决方案。

    In this paper , because most of the oil storage tanks at the field site is unattended and do not have any oil security monitoring equipment , storage tanks Stolen unable to detect and stop the phenomenon , has designed a solution .

  6. 空间所有对外进出口设有防盗措施和监控设备,并兼顾大型展品、布展机械设备的进出和使用。

    All entrances and exits are equipped with anti-theft monitoring devices to ensure security and cater to the transportation of large-scale items and installing machines .