
  • 网络Riot shield;anti-riot shield
  1. 砸在警察防暴盾牌上的砖块和瓶子不断弹回来。

    The constant ricochet of bricks and bottles off police riot shields .

  2. 为了制止这种局势,警察将用防暴盾牌和催泪毒气装备自己。

    To counter this the police will equip themselves with riot shields and tear gas .

  3. 就在世界杯开始之前不久,巴西当地土著人和警察产生了冲突。土著人弓箭齐上,警察骑着马并全副武装:催泪弹、头盔、防暴盾牌。

    Indigenous people armed with bows and arrows have clashed with mounted police armed with tear gas , helmets and riot shields - just weeks before the World Cup begins .

  4. 其他图片显示,成排的防暴警察手拿盾牌、带着头盔在保护县政府大楼,还有手举写着抵制字样纸片的儿童。

    Other pictures showed rows of riot police officers with shields and helmets guarding the county government offices , and children holding up pieces of paper with the word resist .