
  • 网络Metaraminol;Aramine;Metaraminat
  1. 22只出血性休克家兔给予0.01%间羟胺3h使血压维持在休克前水平。

    22 hemorrhagic shock rabbits were given 0.01 % metaraminol ( MET ) to keep blood pressure ( BP ) at preshock level for 3 h.

  2. 休克兔间羟胺个体化给药和传统给药的疗效比较&电脑监测和自动给药系统(CAIMA)

    A comparison on the curative of metaraminol in shock rabbits between individual and traditional administration & computer assisted instant monitoring and drug administration ( CAIMA )

  3. 实验出血性休克家兔在电脑实时监测血压和自动给药系统(CAIMA)监控下,分别应用间羟胺(MET)、MET加多巴胺(DA)和MET加山莨菪碱(654-2)。

    Metaraminol ( MET ), combined with either dopamine ( MET + DA ) or anisodamine ( MET + 654-2 ) were administered to hemorrhagic shock rabbits respectively under CAIMA ( computer assisted instant monitoring drug administration system ) .

  4. 采用小剂量分次阿霉素间羟胺高脂饲料法建立大鼠FSGS模型,B组于实验第29d予肝素钙注射液治疗。

    Rat model of FSGS was constructed with low-dose adriamycin , metaraminol and high lipid feed method . Group B was treated with heparin . 24-hour urinary protein was measured at the 0 , 2nd , 4th , 6th and 12th week .

  5. 根据间羟胺药量和血压变化,家兔表现出3种不同类型:下降型、上升型和迟钝型。

    According to the changes of MET doses and BP . Profiles , the rabbits exhibited 3 distinct response tynes : descending type , climbing type and sluggish type .