- leap month;intercalary month in the lunar calendar

[intercalary month in the lunar calendar;leap month] 阴历以月球绕地球定历法,每年和回归年的 365 日5 时 48 分 46 秒相差约 10 日 21 时,积以置闰,所以每三年要闰一个月,每五年闰两个月,每十九年闰七个月。这样每逢闰年所加的一个月,称为闰月。闰月加在某月之后。就叫闰某月
The start date of your recurring appointment is a leap month date . This occurrence of the recurring appointment will fall on the previous month in a non leap year .
Third , leap month , way of balance , includes a kind of suspensive remedy and intervention .
Month and if it is leap ?
It contained 24 solar terms and reasonable arrangements of the intercalary month . The first lunar month became the beginning of the year .
Second , in the confusion of the time rhythm brought by the great change of world , perhaps leap month is a kind of remedy and balance of time , it is physical , and it is physiological and mental ;
I think we should do it at least twice in the space of each five-year plan , in the same way as the intercalary month in a lunar leap year turns up once in three years and twice in five .