• close;shut;obstruct;block up
  • 关,合:封~。~门。~合。~关锁国。~门思过。~月羞花。

  • 结束,停止:~会。~幕。~市。

  • 堵塞,不通:~气。~塞(sè)。

  • 姓。


(关;合) close; shut:

  • 关闭


  • 停闭

    close out;

  • 封闭

    seal off; close;

  • 闭嘴!

    Shut up!; Hold your tongue!


(堵塞不通) block up; obstruct; stop up:

  • 闭住气

    hold one's breath; stop breathing


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 闭伟

    Bi Wei

  1. 闭上眼睛,设想自己在森林里。

    Close your eyes and imagine you are in a forest .

  2. 闭上眼睛。放松。让身体尽量松弛。

    Close your eyes . Relax . Let your body loosen up .

  3. 我闭上了眼睛想睡。

    I shut my eyes and tried to go to sleep .

  4. 她闭上眼睛盼祷他好起来。

    She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better .

  5. 我闭上眼睛以防强光的照射。

    I closed my eyes against the bright light .

  6. 你不想找麻烦就把嘴闭上。

    Shut your mouth , if you know what 's good for you .

  7. 她闭上眼,立刻就睡着了。

    She shut her eyes and fell asleep immediately .

  8. 瞧她现在心烦意乱的样子——你就不能闭上嘴?

    Now she 's upset ─ why couldn 't you keep your mouth shut ?

  9. 钝吻鳄的嘴吧嗒一声闭上了。

    The alligator 's jaws snapped shut .

  10. 他疲惫地闭上了眼睛。

    He closed his eyes wearily .

  11. 我经常走这条路,闭着眼睛都能找到。

    I 've made this trip so often , I could do it with my eyes shut .

  12. 把嘴给我闭上!

    Do shut up !

  13. 她闭了一会儿眼睛,努力思考着。

    She closed her eyes for a moment , trying to think

  14. 我闭上眼睛就睡着了。

    The moment I closed my eyes , I fell asleep .

  15. 她叹了口气,身体向后倚靠,闭上了眼睛。

    With a sigh , she leant back and closed her eyes

  16. 接着,合上双眼,然后再用力闭紧。

    Next , close your eyes then screw them up tight

  17. 多丽丝·布朗闭上眼睛,安然入睡。

    Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep .

  18. 透过我半睁半闭的双眼,我看到了海市蜃楼。

    Through my half-closed eyelids I began to see mirages

  19. 珀西闭着眼四仰八叉地平躺着。

    Percy was lying prostrate , his arms outstretched and his eyes closed .

  20. 你怎么不闭上你的大嘴巴?

    Why don 't you shut your big mouth ?

  21. 她闭紧双唇,仿佛害怕透露出她的消息。

    She pursed her lips together , as though fearing to betray her news

  22. 我闭了会儿眼,肯定是睡着了。

    I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off .

  23. 他向后靠了靠,闭上眼睛。

    He lay back and closed his eyes .

  24. 走到停车场中间时,他看到她在闭着眼走路。

    Half-way across the car-park , he noticed she was walking with her eyes closed

  25. 打喷嚏的时候眼睛会闭上。

    When we sneeze , our eyes close .

  26. 嘿!你们几个!闭上嘴巴!

    Oi ! You lot ! Shut up !

  27. 在第一回合结束前,吉布森的左眼完全闭上了。

    Gibson 's left eye is completely closed before the end of round one .

  28. 他的眼睛半闭着,眼睑上有一个肿块。

    His eye was partly closed , and there was a swelling over his lid

  29. 他闭上眼睛躺着不动,试图消除内心的焦虑。

    He closed his eyes and lay still , trying to purge his mind of anxiety

  30. 我的整个报告过程中他都十指交叉闭目而坐。

    During my whole report , he sat with his eyes closed and his fingers interlaced .