
  1. 沃尔玛并未透露重庆地区共有多少门店管理人员被拘留,但表示,正配合重庆市工商局的调查。

    The company would not say how many of its store managers in the city of Chongqing had been detained but said it was co-operating with an investigation by the Chongqing Administration of industry and commerce .

  2. 系统无缝地集成了集团管理系统与门店管理系统,统一了预订系统和会员管理系统,使酒店用户能更加轻松方便地管理预订信息和会员信息。

    The system flawlessly integrates the management system of the group with the management system of chain hotels , as well as the booking system with the membership management system , which makes chain hotels able to more conveniently deal with the booking information and membership information .

  3. 基于自动补货技术开发的便利店门店库存管理模型

    A Stock Model for Convenience Store Based on Technology of Automatic Replenishment

  4. 分析师们指出,食品生产商经常向当地门店的管理者行贿,央求后者上架他们的产品。

    Analysts say local store managers are often bribed by producers to stock their products .

  5. 自那时以来,沃尔玛已对其重庆门店的管理层进行了整顿,并在全国门店推出了新的食品安全合规体系。

    Since then , Wal-Mart has overhauled management at its stores in Chongqing and implemented a new food-safety compliance system across the nation .

  6. 第九部分,这是营运管理部分,分别介绍了如何有效地提高全体员工的素质和加强门店运作管理水平。

    The ninth part is about operation management . It introduces how to improve the qualities of the staff and strengthen the operation management of stores , even the whole quality of supermarket enterprise .

  7. 去年10月,沃尔玛几家门店的管理者因涉嫌用普通猪肉冒充绿色猪肉而被警方拘留,过去一年,已有4名中国区高管离开,这让沃尔玛的名声受到了损害。

    Its reputation took a bruising in October when police detained several store managers over allegations that they had mislabelled ordinary pork as organic and four senior China managers have left in the past year .

  8. 沃尔玛去年还宣布,未来三年将投资人民币1亿元来加强中国门店的食品安全管理。

    The retailer also announced last year that it would invest 100 million yuan over three years to strengthen food-safety management in its China stores .

  9. 美国零售商沃尔玛(walmart)被勒令对重庆地区的七家门店进行停业整顿,之前,在沃尔玛员工被指用普通猪肉假冒绿色猪肉后,警方拘留了多名门店管理人员。

    Walmart , the US retailer , has been ordered to close seven stores in south-western China after police detained a number of store managers following allegations that employees labelled ordinary pork as organic .