
  • 网络long-term funds;long-term finance;long term capital;Long-Term Sources of Funds
  1. 对于绝大多数企业来说,筹集长期资金的一个非常重要且有效的渠道就是发行企业债券。

    For most enterprises , the important and effective channel to raise long-term funds is the issuance of enterprise bonds .

  2. 企业各种长期资金的构成及其比例关系,即企业最佳资本结构是当前企业筹资的关键问题。

    At present , the crucial matter is the composition of various long-term funds and its proportional relationship in the enterprises .

  3. 本文通过介绍Blank的套期保值短期资金需求量模型,给出了套期保值长期资金需求量的模型,并简要的分析了套期保值资金的需求量对套期保值策略的影响。

    By introducing Blank ss model of short-term hedging capital requirements , the author tries to establish a long-term hedging capital requirements , and analyzes how the capital requirements affects the hedge strategy .

  4. 第三,更多长期资金流入发展中国家,以及让面临资金流突然中断风险的国家能获得IMF无法提供的更大资金保障,这对世界经济是件好事。

    Third , the world economy would benefit from larger flows of long-term capital to developing countries as well as from a bigger insurance fund than the IMF can offer to countries exposed to sudden stops in capital flows .

  5. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)高级顾问赤松隆(noritakaakamatsu)表示,更具深度、流动性更强的债券市场,能提供稳定的长期资金来源,帮助中国经济为其急需的基础设施建设提供资金。

    Noritaka Akamatsu , a senior adviser at the Asian Development Bank , says deeper and more liquid bond markets would help the Chinese economy finance its much-needed infrastructure needs by providing a stable source of long-term funding .

  6. 但萧条的市场也给长期资金带来了机会。

    But distressed markets also present opportunities for long-term capital .

  7. 可转让存款证与银行同业市场相辅相成,中转长期资金。

    Negotiable certificates of deposit NCDs complement the interbank market by channelling longer term funds .

  8. 资本市场是中长期资金交易关系的总和。

    The capital market is the total amount of medium and long term fund dealing .

  9. 因此,能够确保只吸引长期资金就尤为关键了。

    I think it is important to make sure that you only attract long term money .

  10. 他们也可以借入长期资金:在19世纪,英国的许多债务都是无偿还期的。

    They can borrow long : in the 19th century , much UK debt was irredeemable .

  11. 问题:有传闻说,你成为长期资金管理基金的救场买家?

    Q : You were rumored to be one of the rescue buyers of Long Term Capital .

  12. 我们必须获得延续至2020年的长期资金,而且所有发达经济体都必须做出实质贡献。

    We must get long-term finance up to 2020 and there must come substantial contributions from all developed economies .

  13. 建立并发展长期资金市场,包括建立完全信用形式的投资银行;

    Set up and develop the long-term fund market , including the investment bank totally in the form of credit ;

  14. 整个长期资金管理基金的历史,我不知道在座的各位对它有多熟悉,

    The whole ( LTCM ) Long Term Capital management that I hope most of you are familiar with it .

  15. 严格来说,如果主要货币国家仅仅是借入短期资金,贷出长期资金,那么储备就可以被创建起来。

    Strictly speaking , reserves could be created if the key-currency country merely borrowed short term and lent long term .

  16. 我们实在无法开展任何新业务,而我们的资金大多是隔夜拆借,而非长期资金。

    We 're not really able to do any new business and our funding is mostly overnight rather than long-term .

  17. 资本市场是指为企业筹集长期资金的交易场所,包括股票市场、债券市场等。股票市场又因其具有的特殊功能成为我国资本市场发展的中心和重点。

    Capital market is a marketplace for enterprises to acquire long-term funds , which consists of stock market and bond market and etc.

  18. 资本结构是指企业各种长期资金筹集来源的构成和比例关系。

    The capital structure of enterprises refers to the composition and proportion relationship among various sources of financing in a long time .

  19. 当一家公司决定通过销售股票和债券来筹措长期资金,它必须找到买主。

    When a company decides it needs long-term funds by marketing stocks and bonds , it must find people to buy them .

  20. 一如过往多年,银行继续通过发行可转让存款证来筹集中期至长期资金。

    As in previous years , banks continued to raise medium to long-term funds through the issuance of negotiable certificates of deposit ncds .

  21. 而且我们将寻求开发创新型融资工具,开拓提供各国急需的长期资金的新渠道。

    And we will look to create innovative financial tools that can open up new opportunities for long-term financing that countries desperately need .

  22. 解决余家山的长期资金投入问题,同时也作出生态补偿的示范。

    As a result , the long-term financing for Yujiashan can be solved and an excellent example of ecological compensation is set up .

  23. 外资企业解决长期资金来源的主要方式,是外商企业直接投资和中方合作伙伴的直接投资。

    The main methods of FIEs to resolve the long-term fund are depending on the direct investment of FIEs and local cooperation partner .

  24. 长期资金的筹集是企业发展过程中的一项重要内容,有多种方法可供选择。

    Raising long-term capital is an important content in the process of enterprise development , there being a lot of method to choose .

  25. 一位资深华尔街银行家称,贝尔斯登可能需要新的长期资金来源,以安抚反对方和贷款方。

    One senior Wall Street banker said bear might need to line up new long-term funding to calm counter - parties and lenders .

  26. 重新向市场注入无限量的长期资金,甚至可能对银行参加国债拍卖的意愿产生轻微影响。

    The return of unlimited long-term money might even have a marginal impact on banks ' willingness to take part in government debt auctions .

  27. 资本市场作为中长期资金的融通市场在中国经济发展中发挥了重要的作用。

    As a sort of middle or long-term fund in Chinese circulation market , capital market plays an important role in the economic development .

  28. 如果你认识到长期资金将是必需的,那就取得了重大进展,他表示。

    If you have a recognition that long-term finance is going to be needed , that will be a significant advance , he said .

  29. 在公司的总体战略目标下,资本管理通过对长期资金的计划、获取和控制,实现公司偿付能力和盈利目标的双重平衡。

    Under the company operation goals and objectives , the life insurer 's capital management involves planning for , obtaining , and control the long-term funds .

  30. 企业资本结构又称融资结构,是指企业获得长期资金的各项来源、组成以及相互关系。

    Corporate capital structure , also known as the financing structure of a corporate , is the long-term funding sources , the composition and the correlation .