
China and the United States concluded [ entered into ] a bilateral trade agreement after long negotiations .
After long talks about pay , the managers and workers reached a settlement .
After long negotiations , they managed to reach an agreement on rates of pay .
But it is widely recognised that , in the end , a longer-term deal must include Gaza as well .
The power-sharing accord was reached after lengthy negotiations that began following disputed elections in which the MDC won a majority of the seats in parliament .
After a long time-consuming period of negotiation , WTO members finally concluded the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures , which sets up a series of explicit disciplines for international trade .
The only sensible answer is that no one really knows , because the outcome would be the result of protracted negotiations between the putatively independent country and its international partners , particularly the EU and the continuing government of the UK .
This trend will gain momentum very quickly , so it would be best to seek agreements on the above items as core principles of " SWF best practices " rather than wait for a long negotiation over a complete set of such principles .
The bill has been the subject of long political negotiations on Capitol Hill and people involved in the process stressed that none of the components would be final until they were approved by Senate leaders this week .
BHP Billiton said yesterday the increase was not enough and pressed ahead with a radical plan to rewrite the way millions of tonnes of iron ore are sold each year , setting the stage for longer negotiations with its customers .
After long talks on price , Australia 's Woodside Petroleum on Thursday clinched the country 's biggest export contract when it signed an outline agreement to sell up to A $ 45bn worth of LNG to PetroChina .
The Bargain Game Model of Long-term Contract in Unilateral Opening Electricity Market
They are currently engaged in lengthy trade negotiations .
If the quality of your products prove to be satisfactory , we will be prepared to negotiate a long-term contract .
GREENE : So this decision to delay a long-term agreement and keep talking over a period of months , what does that mean ?
Talks in Moscow about bringing an end to Libya 's long-running civil war have been adjourned for the night after the country 's rival governments considered ceasefire proposals from Russia and Turkey .
China and the US have announced a major agreement to slash tariffs on electronic goods around the world , bringing a successful close to what had become a major test of the world 's two biggest economies " ability to negotiate trade agreements .
The analytic hierarchical process ( AHP ) is applied to synthetically evaluate potential bargainers and obtain the selected probability of mixed strategy so as to find the appropriate bargainers , reduce the cost of long-term contract negotiation , and finally sign the contact successfully .
Some customers are also seeking to renegotiate long-term contracts .
The company said it was in talks with Nestl é and other companies about a long-term partnership agreement .
It soon became evident that this conference was going to be dogged by the same rifts between rich and poor countries that have long blocked progress in climate talks .
Although a meeting of ministers in New Delhi in early September promised to restart long-stalled World Trade Organization negotiations aimed at reaching a global consensus on free trade , wide differences remain between developed and developing nations that make a final deal difficult .
The White House spokesman says all the Russian forces sent into Georgia after August sixth must leave , and there will have to be negotiations on the long-term status of Russian troops , who have been stationed in Georgia 's separatist region of South Ossetia for years as peacekeepers .