
  • 网络stagger
  1. 错峰出行制度的作用机理及交通可行性研究&以上海为例

    Effect Mechanism of Stagger Shifts and Its Traffic Feasibility & A Case Study of Shanghai

  2. 运用负载错峰控制合理分配油机容量

    Assigning the Capability of Diesel Engine Reasonably by Controlling of Stagger the Load Peak Value

  3. 教育部要求高校错峰安排春季学期开学时间,同时做好线上教学的准备。同时,高校应定期对重点人群和环境进行核酸检测,并对重要场所进行消杀处理。

    Universities should also conduct routine nucleic acid tests on key groups of people and the environment and frequently sterilize , it added .

  4. “能约尽约”原则推进旅游景区预约常态化,实现限量、预约、错峰入园游览。

    Reservation policies at scenic spots should be carried out on a regular basis , with visitor cap and staggered access in place .

  5. 曾益新表示,冬春季,尤其是春节期间,疫情防控形势依旧严峻、复杂,限制聚集活动及人员流动很有必要,同时建议错峰出行和线上消费。

    Zeng said the epidemic situation during the winter and spring was likely to remain grim and complex , especially in the upcoming Spring Festival , so it 's necessary to limit gatherings and the flow of people . He advised people to choose off-peak travel and online shopping .

  6. 加入WTO后我国旅行社业对策研究错峰出行对城市交通的影响分析

    The Impact on Chinese Travel Service After WTO Study on Macro - Travel Impact Analysis of Staggered Shifts

  7. 运用先进媒体介质提高错峰避峰效率

    Improving peak shifting and averting efficiency by adopting advanced transmission media

  8. 南京市错峰限电方法分析与研究

    Analysis and research of peak load shifting in Nanjing City

  9. 错峰用电,保证电网的安全运行

    Staggering power consumption to ensure safe operation of power grid

  10. 渭河洪水错峰调度决策支持系统的研究

    Research on flood control decision support system for Weihe River

  11. 需求侧负荷管理中最优错峰计划的生成

    Optimal Peak Load Shifting Plan for Demand Side Management

  12. 提出了一种最优错峰轮休计划的生成方法。

    An approach to obtain the optimal peak load shifting plan is proposed .

  13. 2003年错峰有序用电及效益分析

    Alternating Peak Load to Use Electric Power in Order and Benefit Analysis in 2003

  14. 基于专家知识结构的错峰控制限电分配研究

    Power limiting distribution research based on expert knowledge structure in peak load shifting control

  15. 探索错峰用电工作新路子

    Exploring New Method of Peak Stagger Work

  16. 错峰群纽信,&、避峰群组信息、负控限电群组信息。

    Peak transfer group information , peak limit group information , load control electricity restriction group information .

  17. 坚持合理用电、节约用电,推行错峰用电;

    Efforts have been made to promote rational power consumption , power conservation and off-peak power use .

  18. 数据流按处理服务器的不同分为发布信息类和错峰统计信息类。

    The data flow is classified according to different process server as information type and staggering peak counting type .

  19. 规划中该水库负有清江下游防洪和与长江洪水错峰的双重任务。

    The reservoir functions for flood control of lower stretch of Qingjiang river and flood peak alternation with the Yangtze flood .

  20. 为此,较详细地介绍了广州地区用电负荷情况、错峰情况,以及执行错峰用电的措施。

    This paper presents at length the power consumption load , staggering condition and measures for staggering power consumption in Guangzhou area .

  21. 引入居民不满意度概念,基于物理规划思想建立了多地区多目标错峰控制限电模型。

    Based on the idea of physical programming , this paper constructs multiple-purpose and multiple-region model for power limiting in peak load shifting control .

  22. 大力推广蓄能技术,特别是冰蓄冷空调技术,对移峰填谷、错峰用电和促进电力供需平衡具有极其重要的作用。

    It has important function for peak load shifting and realizing grid equilibrium of supply and demand to popularize energy storage technology especially cool thermal storage air-conditioning technology .

  23. 最后,根据上海交通发展的背景和交通时间特征的分析结果,给出了错峰出行在近期不可行的结论。

    In the end , according to the result and transportation development planning of Shanghai , a conclusion is made that Staggered Shifts is infeasible in the near future .

  24. 她表示,把通勤算在工作时间内更有助于错峰上下班,能够“缓解高峰期的通勤压力”。

    Counting the journey as work could allow for more staggered commuter travel times , which would ' ease commuter pressure on peak hours ' travel , she said .

  25. 结论1、针对医院门诊就诊人次分布不均的状况,可通过预约诊疗服务引导病人错峰就诊。

    According to the uneven distribution of the hospital outpatients , it is suggested to guide the patient shifting the time of treatment through the clinical reservation services . 2 .

  26. 成都市中心城区作息制可调节空间较大,可以利用错峰均衡使用交通资源,降低交通高峰期拥堵现象。

    Work and rest in the Center of Chengdu has large space to be regulated that traffic resource can be using proportionally by Staggered Shifts to reduce jam phenomenon in traffic peak .

  27. 利用水库调蓄洪水,消减洪峰流量,并与下游区间洪水错峰,防洪作用十分显著。

    The flood control effect of reservoir is well notable , because it can store the flood , cuts down the flood peak flow rate and staggers the flood peak of down stream .

  28. 在存在电力供需矛盾时,为尽可能多地满足用户用电需求,结合我国实际情况,提出一种最优错峰计划生成方法。

    In order to meet the requirements of users as much as possible in case of being lack of power supply , an approach to obtain the optimal peak load shifting plan is proposed .

  29. 以上海为例,从城市主要道路基础设施的交通时间特征、公共交通客流量的时间特征出发,对上海实施错峰出行的交通可行性进行了分析。

    As an example , the traffic feasibility of implementation of Stagger Shifts in Shanghai is analyzed from main urban roads ' basic facilities ' traffic time characteristics , and the time characteristics of public traffic passenger volume .

  30. 目前供电公司针对电力高峰时期的错峰避峰计划主要是从安全的角度凭经验制定的。

    Nowadays , the electric power companies implements different plans of peak shifting and averting which mainly considers the aspects of safety and experience . An optimal model for the plans of peak shifting and averting is proposed in this paper .