
  1. CFB锅炉结焦分析与预防

    Analysis and prevention on CFB boiler cokings

  2. 某水泥厂余热电站FICIRC~(TM)循环流化床锅炉结焦原因的分析

    Analysis of the FI CIRC ~ ( TM ) Fluidized Bed Boiler Slagging in Waste Heat Power Station in Cement Plant

  3. 1000MW机组锅炉结焦原因分析及预防措施

    Reason analysis and prevention measures of boiler slagging in 1000 MW unit

  4. 德巴660MW锅炉结焦原因探讨

    Discussion on Slagging Reason for 660 MW Boiler of Dezhou Power Plant

  5. 超超临界1000MW机组锅炉结焦原因分析及对策

    Cause analysis of Slagging in boilers for 1000 MW ultra-supercritical units and countermeasures thereof

  6. 用低频强声振荡法清除锅炉结焦积灰

    Clearing off boilers coking dusting by means of low frequency-strong sound oscillation

  7. 辽河石脑油裂解装置急冷锅炉结焦抑制剂的研究

    Studies on Coking Inhibitors for Quench Heat Exchanger of Liaohe Naphtha Pyrolysis

  8. 加强燃料管理解决锅炉结焦

    Strengthening Fuel Management to Solve the Problem of Furnace Clinkering

  9. 论述了锅炉结焦的相关因素,提出了防止结焦的措施。

    The factors concerning slagging are discussed and countermeasures are put forward .

  10. 本文对电站锅炉结焦状态监测系统进行了研究与设计。

    In this thesis a monitor system for coke states is designed .

  11. 某电厂~3锅炉结焦问题的原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Slagging Problem of Boiler 3 in a Power Plant

  12. 流化床锅炉结焦原因的分析及预防

    Analysis and Preventive of the Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Slagging

  13. 江化热电厂1号锅炉结焦分析

    Coking Incident of Jianghua Cogeneration Power Plant 's Boiler No.1

  14. 燃用混煤大型锅炉结焦问题分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure about Coking Problem in Large Boiler Burning Mixed Coal

  15. 410t/h锅炉结焦问题研究解决

    The Research and Solve of 410t / h Boiler 's Slagging Problem

  16. 四角切向燃烧锅炉结焦原因分析及防止措施

    Cause Analysis and Prevention Measure of Slag in Corner-fired Boiler

  17. 2号机组锅炉结焦和泄漏分析

    Analysis on Boiler Coking and Leakage of Unit 2

  18. 燃烧器改造解决锅炉结焦问题

    Burner Renovation to Solve the Problem of Boiler Slagging

  19. 电站锅炉结焦状态监测系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Monitor System for Coke State in Power Plant Boiler

  20. 珠海发电厂1号锅炉结焦原因分析及对策

    The Reason Analysis and Countermeasure of Coke in No.1 Boiler of Zhuhai Power Plant

  21. 锅炉结焦是燃煤电厂经常遇到的问题,对锅炉安全运行危害很大。

    Coking endangers the safe work of boiler .

  22. 2100t/h锅炉结焦原因分析及对策

    Causes Analysis and Countermeasures for the Coking of 2 100 t / h Boiler

  23. 利用掺烧煤缓解2000t/h锅炉结焦的研究

    Study of Solving 2 000 t / h Boiler Slag Problem Using Mixed Coal

  24. 乙烯生产装置中急冷锅炉结焦过程的数学模型与工业模拟

    Mathematical Model and Industrial Simulation of Coking Process in Transfer Line Exchanger of Ethylene Plant

  25. 一起HG-440t/h循环流化床锅炉结焦事故分析及预防

    Analysis and Prevention of Charring Accident of HG-440 t / h Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  26. 德国BABCOCK-2209t/h锅炉结焦原因分析及其治理

    Cause analysis of Slagging in Babcock 2209 t / h boilers made in Germany and prevention thereof

  27. 600MWW火焰锅炉结焦原因分析与防止措施

    Cause Analysis and Prevention Measures on the Slagging in 600 MW " W " - flame Boiler

  28. 文章对锅炉结焦形成机理及掉焦灭火过程、产生的危害、结焦原因进行了分析,并制定出了相应对策。

    This article has analyzed the coke forming mechanism , the process of coke extinguishing and its harms and causes and proposed some countermeasures .

  29. 燃烧调整试验较好地改善了炉内燃烧特性,有效地减少了锅炉结焦、渣和熄火现象。微小粒子燃烧的临界现象

    The experiment for combustion adjustment can effectively improve combustion as well as limit the probability of slagging and flameout . Critical Behavior in Small Particle Combustion

  30. 最后利用相关过程变量对锅炉结焦现象进行故障诊断,并进行了大量的仿真对比实验。

    Finally , multiple process variables are selected to complete the fault diagnosis of boiler coking phenomenon , also , a lot of simulation experiments are made .