
liàn jiē
  • link;interlinking;interlinkage;catenate;catenation
链接[liàn jiē]
  1. Flash动画及超级链接在PowerPoint中的应用

    The Application of Flash Cartoon and Super Interlinkage in PowerPoint

  2. 中国企业全球学习的国内攻略&从OEM到OBM的学习链接与战略升级

    The Domestic Offensive Strategy of Chinese Enterprises ' Global Learning & Learning Interlinkage and Strategic Upgrading from OEM to OBM

  3. 这是另外一些与航空有关网页的有效链接。

    Here are some live links to other aviation-related web pages .

  4. 如果忘记了自己的注册账号就点击此链接。

    If you 've forgotten your login ID , click this link .

  5. 点击超级链接。

    Click on the hyperlink .

  6. 要访问与这个网站类似的网站,点击网页底部的链接。

    To visit similar websites to this one , click on the links at the bottom of the page .

  7. 这些网页中每一页都设有热链接,指向网络中的其他文件。

    Each of these pages has hot links to other documents throughout the network .

  8. 我点击了一个链接,有关该剧的最新评论弹了出来。

    I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up .

  9. 该数据库在其内部以及和数千个外部链接之间充分实现了超链接。

    The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links .

  10. 书面汉语也成为现代中国与古代中国之间的重要链接。

    Written Chinese has also become an important method to connect China 's present with its past .

  11. 在每个项目间留更多的空隙,加左或者右的margins来定义链接。

    To create more space between the navigation items , add left and right margins to the links .

  12. 大多数时候链接的频道没有什么特别的。

    A lot of the time the linked channels aren 't anything special .

  13. (我的上司需要我纠正网站上的一些错误链接。)

    My boss needs me to take care of some broken links on the website .

  14. 查看、添加和更改网页、文档、主题和边框;重新计算超链接

    View , add , and change pages , documents , themes , and borders ; recalculate hyperlinks .

  15. 不要给别人发一堆淘宝链接然后让对方给你当参谋,一个个点开看很麻烦。

    Don 't send a bunch of Taobao links to someone and ask for their advice . It 's really annoying for them to open these links one by one .

  16. 一些人密谋一起将一个特定的单词或短语链接到某个网站,人为地提升这个网站在谷歌搜索结果页面的排名,这就是“谷歌炸弹”。

    A Google bomb occurs when a group of people conspire1 to artificially elevate a website in Google 's web search results ranking by linking a particular word or phrase to the website .

  17. 输入链接tosample以链接到范例数据库上。

    Type connect to sample to connect to the sample database .

  18. 文章提出了一种利用内容计算和链接分析相结合来进行Web话题跟踪的方法。

    This paper presents an approach that combine the hyperlink analysis with content computing .

  19. 联系第三方Web服务以链接到其他数据源。

    Contact third party Web services in order to link in additional data sources .

  20. 例如,工作组网站包含通知、日历和链接web部件。

    For example , a team site includes announcements , calendar , and links web parts .

  21. 用户打开一个Person文档并单击Print链接。

    The user opens a Person document , and clicks the Print link .

  22. 动态链接库在上位机与PLC通信中的应用

    Application of dynamic library in communication between computer and PLC

  23. 使用ProjectExplorer或者Search视图来拖拉工件以创建链接。

    Use the Project Explorer or the Search view to drag artifacts to create links .

  24. 例如Blogentry–Aboutbox就包含这个提要链接。

    For example the Blog entry – About box contains the feed link .

  25. 通过这种方法,您可以运行简单的、静态链接的Linux应用程序。

    In this way , you can run simple , statically-linked Linux applications .

  26. 如果需要,重新链接,并点击Finish。

    Reconnect if necessary , and click Finish .

  27. Eclipse开发人员可以依赖以下方法对视图进行链接

    Eclipse developers can rely on the following methods to link views

  28. 创建链接以允许Domino服务器访问DB2数据库

    Create a link to allow Domino Server to access DB2 database

  29. 点击SAFS页面链接,并选择Viewallfiles。

    Click the SAFS page link , and select View all files .

  30. 按Tab可选择下一个隐藏文本或超链接。

    Press TAB to select the next hidden text or hyperlink .