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  1. 掺杂Y2O3的铁锡复合氧化物的穆斯堡尔谱学研究

    A Mossbauer study of Y_2O_3-doped iron-tin composite oxides

  2. 漆酚铁锡聚合物催化剂的合成及应用

    Synthesis and Usage of the Urushiol - iron - tin Polymer Catalyst

  3. 铁锡多核金属有机化合物的合成及表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Multi nuclear Organotin iron Compounds

  4. 水热法制备铁锡纳米复合氧化物及表征

    Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Iron-tin Nanocomposite Oxides

  5. 研究了以铁锡氧化物的复合物作为耐热添加剂的过氧化物高温硫化硅橡胶的热空气老化性能及其热稳定机理。

    The mechanism of thermal stability of high temperature vulcanized ( HTV ) silicone rubber with the complex of ferric oxide and stannic oxide as thermal stabilizer was studied .

  6. 内蒙黄岗铁锡矿床中磁铁矿含锡0.11%,经X光衍射、电子探针和电镜扫描分析,以及溶矿试验,确定磁铁矿中锡存在形式以超显微锡石为主。

    Magnetite in Huanggang Fe-Sn deposit , contains about 0 . 11 % invisible tin , using X-ray diffraction , electron probe , electron scanning microscopy and dissolving test , the tin in magnetite has been determined mainly as ultramicro-cassiterite , its size is less than 1 μ m.

  7. 研究了多价态元素铁、锡、锰的有机化合物对低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)在堆肥温度下的催化降解作用。

    The catalytic effects of the organic compounds of iron , tin and manganese on the degradation of low density polyethylene ( LDPE ) at compost temperature are discussed .

  8. 金,铁和锡是化学元素。

    Gold , iron and tin are elements .

  9. 金、银、铜、铁、锡等金属被进行造型设计,将其加工成金属艺术品和日用工艺品。

    Gold , silver , copper , iron , tin and other metal has been carried out design , be processed into metal arts and crafts daily .

  10. 他施人因你多有各类的财物,就作你的客商,拿银,铁,锡,铅兑换你的货物。

    Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind of riches ; with silver , iron , tin , and lead , they traded in thy fairs .

  11. 宗教艺术珍品中最为引为注目的是巨幅壁画&释迦摩尼和五百罗汉山,他们是由金、银、铜、铁、锡五种金属制作而成。

    Intereting pieces of religious art include the giant mural depicting the story of Sakyamuni and the Mount of500 Arhats who are cast in five metals , gold , silver , copper , iron , and tin .

  12. 采用ICP&AES法准确、快速地测定电锌中的铝、铅、铜、镉、铁、锡等微量元素,并对方法的准确度和精密度进行了检验。

    The Al , Pb , Cu , Cd , Fe , Sn etc trace element in the electrolytic zinc were accurately and quickly measured by using ICP-AES method . Moreover the accuracy and precision of this method were certificated .

  13. 十字头球铁表面与锡锑轴承合金层结合机理

    Bonding mechanism of crosshead ductile iron surface and tin pewter layer

  14. 铁和液体锡相互作用的研究

    Interaction between iron and molten tin

  15. 新型的正极和负极材料,如低成本的磷酸铁和锂锡合金体系在显著提高电池性能方面很有潜力。

    New cathode and anode materials , such as low cost iron phosphate and lithium tin alloy systems , offer potential for significantly improved performance .

  16. 润湿界面的金相组织与扫描电镜分析也同样证实在铜、铁、铝锡钎焊时,发生了扩散,溶解与界面化学反应过程。

    A metallographical and a SEM photomicrographical analysis of the wetting region show that Cu , Fe , Al are diffused , dissolved and reacted in tin solders .

  17. ICP-AES法测定标准阴极铜中的砷、铋、铁、镍、锡和锌

    Determination of As , Bi , Fe , Ni , Sn , Zn in Cathode Copper ( Cu-cath-2 ) by ICP-AES

  18. ICP-AES法测定铜合金中磷、铋、镍、铁、锑、锡、铅

    Simultaneous determination of P , Bi , Ni , Fe , Sb , Sn , and Pb in copper alloy by ICP-AES

  19. 铁、锑、锡中微量金的萃取&原子吸收光谱法测定

    Determination of trace gold in iron , antimony and tin by extraction-atomic absorption spectrometry

  20. 铅、铁、铜、锡和锌都是基本金属。

    Lead , iron , copper , tin , and zinc are base metals .

  21. 即使在同一铜矿矿脉中,元素构成也会发生差异,这一般是因为其它元素,尤其是铁、铅、锡、和砷等程度不同的混合。

    Elemental composition can vary within the same copper-ore lode , usually because of varying admixtures of other elements , especially iron , lead , zinc , and arsenic .

  22. 采用ICP&AES法测定标准阴极铜中的砷、铋、铁、镍、锡和锌等6种元素的含量。

    In this paper , a method is described for determination of As , Bi , Fe , Ni , Sn , Zn in cathode copper ( Cu-cath-2 ) by ICP-AES .

  23. 1974年,意大利近海发现了一艘公元二世纪的Pozzino沉船。船上装有像拔火罐、铁探针、还有锡盒这样的医疗设备。

    The 2nd-century Pozzino wreck was discovered in 1974 off the coast of Italy . It 's cargo included medical equipment like a cupping vessel , iron probe , and tin boxes of supplies .