
tiě xiàn jué
  • Adiantum;maidenhair;venus-hair fern
  1. 孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型,原叶体发育为铁线蕨型;

    Spore germination was of Vittaria-type and gametophyte exhibited Adiantum-type development .

  2. 长有纤细黑亮叶柄的一种铁线蕨;遍布全球。

    Delicate maidenhair fern with slender shining black leaf stalks ; cosmopolitan .

  3. 不同培养基及激素对铁线蕨孢子离体繁殖的影响

    Effects on the media and hormones of the Adiantum capillus-veneris spores culture

  4. 小型至中型的热带簇状的蕨类植物;有时归入铁线蕨科。

    Small to medium tropical tufted ferns ; sometimes placed in family Adiantaceae .

  5. 楔叶铁线蕨的离体快繁。

    In vitro propagation of Adiantum raddianum presl .

  6. 在该场馆的周围种植的宝塔树和铁线蕨构成了一条条绿化带。

    Green belts including pagoda trees and maidenhair trees are being planted alongside the gymnasium .

  7. 小的常绿蕨类植物;唇果蕨;在一些分类中归入水龙骨科或铁线蕨科。

    Small evergreen ferns : lipferns ; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae .

  8. 对于荷叶铁线蕨生长条件的研究也多停留在定性分析上。

    The lotus leaf fern Adiantum growth conditions of the study also stay in more qualitative analysis .

  9. 三峡水库的兴建将对荷叶铁线蕨的生长环境及种质资源产生严重影响。

    The Three-Gorge Project will inevitable damage the habitats and germplasm resources of this species in the following ways .

  10. 铁线蕨科:一科广泛分布的蕨类植物,特别是在美洲潮湿的热带分布较多。

    Adiantaceae ( maidenhair ferns ) A family of ferns ( Filicinophyta ) found throughout the world , especially in the moist American tropics .

  11. 荷叶铁线蕨不同位点的异交率在同一居群内的变化很大,而不同居群间的同一酶位点的异交率差异也是较大的。

    Lin has great change in the same population , and the outcrossing rate difference of the same enzyme locus is also high in the different population .

  12. 几个世纪以来,传统的中医师一直将铁线蕨和银杏叶等植物的提取物应用于治疗哮喘、支气管炎和大脑功能障碍等疾病。

    For centuries , traditional Chinese physicians have used extracts from leaves of the maidenhair tree , Ginkgo biloba , to treat asthma , bronchitis , and brain disorders .

  13. 4适合鹿角蕨和铁线蕨低温保存的技术体系为:孢子长期保存在液氮里最佳,短期以4℃最好,时间不超过一个月,解冻两种方法都可以。

    The techniques system suitable to cryopreservation for Pteridophyte are as follows : The longtime preservation for spore should keep in LN , and short-time preservation should keep at 4C and the time would better less than 1 month .