
  • 网络Sepia andreana;Sepia andreana Steenstrup;SepiellamaindronideRochebrune
  1. 舟山渔场针乌贼(Sepiaandreana)的生物学特性及其渔场分布变迁

    Biology and resource of cuttlefish Sepia andreana in Zhoushan fishing area

  2. 曼氏无针乌贼SepiellamaindroniCOI和16SRRNA基因序列研究

    Study on COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences of the common Chinese cuttlefish Sepiella maindroni

  3. 曼氏无针乌贼SepiellamaindronideRochebrune繁殖习性的初步观察

    Preliminary observations on the breeding habits of the squid , sepiella maindroni de rochebrune

  4. 微波消解ICP-MS法测定曼氏无针乌贼肉和海螵蛸中八种微量元素

    Determination of 8 Trace Elements in Mantle Muscle and Cuttlebone of Sepiella maindroni by ICP-MS Using Microwave Digestion for Sample Preparation

  5. 华南沿海曼氏无针乌贼Sepiellamaindroni表型变异研究

    Study on the Phenotypic Variation in the Common Chinese Cuttlefish Sepiella maindroni in South China Coastal Waters

  6. 曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiellamaindroni)是重要的海洋头足类经济动物,隶属软体动物门、头足纲、十腕目、乌贼科。

    Sepiella maindroni is an important marine cephalopods economic animal , which belongs to Mollusca , Cephalopod , Decapoda , Sepia esculenta .

  7. 胶州湾曼氏无针乌贼资源量与季节变化的调查研究

    Studies on Sepiella maindroni biomass and seasonal variation in Jiaozhou Bay

  8. 曼氏无针乌贼胚胎发育与人工育苗技术的研究

    Study on Embryo Development and Artificial Breeding of Sepiella maindroni

  9. 中街山曼氏无针乌贼产卵场生态环境及其资源保护Ⅱ

    Zhong Jie Shan Sepiella maindroni spawning ground ecologic environment and resource protection

  10. 黄海针乌贼的渔业生物学及其资源状况的初步研究

    Studies on fishery biology of squid and its resources in the Yellow Sea

  11. 曼氏无针乌贼幼体耗氧率和排氨率及其影响因素

    Study on oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rate of Sepiella maindroni juvenile and its affecting factors

  12. 实验结果有助于合理制定曼氏无针乌贼育苗前期饵料的投喂策略。

    These results could be helpful to the rational formulation of the feeding strategies for S.maindroni cultivation .

  13. 报告了胶州湾及邻近水域曼氏无针乌贼的生长和季节分布的调查结果。

    The present study deals with the growth and seasonal distribution of Sepiella maindroni in the Jiaozhou Bay and adjacent waters .

  14. 黄河口及莱州湾海域曼氏无针乌贼的群体组成和洄游分布

    Population composition and migratory distribution of cuttlefish ( sepiella maindroni de rochebrune ) in the Huanghe Estuary and the Laizhou Gulf

  15. 浙江近海曼氏无针乌贼卵巢周年变化的研究

    The annual change of the ovary of cuttle fish ( sepiella maindroni de rochebrune ) in the waters of Zhejiang Province

  16. 4种饵料强化对曼氏无针乌贼亲体相关组织的消化酶和RNA/DNA比率影响

    Effects of four different feeds of the digestive enzyme activities , RNA / DNA ratio on liver and ovary of Sepiella maindroni

  17. 采用组织学和电镜技术对曼氏无针乌贼的副缠卵腺及腺体细胞进行了研究。

    Histology and ultrastructure of the accessory nidamental gland ( ANG ) of Sepiella maindroni were investigated using light and transmission electron microscopy .

  18. 目前国内外唯一能批量培育和市场曼氏无针乌贼蛋的是南海公司。

    Currently , Nanhai Company is the only one who can cultivation and supply Sepiella maindroni eggs to the market at home and abroad .

  19. 1983年浙北近海无针乌贼资源增殖研究进展

    The progress state of study on the unearned increment to the stock of cuttlefish Sepiella maindroni de rochebrune in the coastal waters of North Zhejiang in 1983