
  • 网络financial regulation
  1. 结合国外学者的大量文献,本文采用两个多变量回归模型(MultivariateRegressionModels),运用似无关回归(seeminglyunrelatedregression)的估计方法,考察一系列金融调控政策对房地产业的影响。

    In this paper , we follow the extant literature and employ two multivariate regression models , estimated by seemingly unrelated regression method , in order to examine the short-term economic impact of financial regulation policies on real estate industry .

  2. 房地产金融调控政策事件的经济效应

    The Economic Impact of Financial Regulation Policies in Real Estate Industry

  3. 论政府对房地产市场的金融调控

    Government 's Financial Regulation and Control on the Real Estate Market

  4. 世纪之交:中国金融调控的现状分析

    The Review and Prospect of China 's Financial Control in the Trans-century

  5. 中央银行金融调控的系统动力学模型

    A System Dynamics Model of Central Bank 's Finance Controlling and Adjusting

  6. 刍议我国金融调控法的完善

    On the Improvement of the Financial Control Regulation in China

  7. 在国家的宏观经济调控中,金融调控无疑在其中扮演着核心的角色。

    Undoubtedly , finance-control acts as a core role in the national macroeconomic control .

  8. 对外贸易与宏观金融调控

    Foreign Trade and the Regulation of Macroscopical Finance

  9. 差别准备金率制度:金融调控制度的创新设计

    Difference Reserve Ratio System : an Innovative Design for Financial Regulation and Control System

  10. 一是改善金融调控。

    First , we will improve financial control .

  11. 改善金融调控方式,灵活运用多种货币政策工具。

    We will improve financial regulation by flexibly using a variety of monetary policy instruments .

  12. 财政、金融调控经济的手段

    Financial and Monetary Means for Controlling Economy

  13. 区域差距与区域金融调控

    Regional Disparity and Regional Financial Control

  14. 第二,加大城乡金融调控力度以促进农民增收。

    Second , intensify efforts to promote urban and rural areas of financial regulation peasant incomes .

  15. 然而我国金融调控长期以来存在着一种忽视地区差别,实行大一统的政策倾向。

    However , our government has ignored the differences among areas and adopted a unique policy .

  16. 存款准备金制度与金融调控

    Reserve Requirement Institution and Financial Regulation

  17. 最后提出完善我国区域经济协调发展金融调控法律制度的对策建议。

    Finally , complete the coordinated development of regional economy legal system of financial regulation Suggestions .

  18. 这一结论为针对不同的市场动态,实施有效的宏观金融调控政策提供了理论依据。

    The conclusion is useful to know deeply about stock market and gives theory basis for financial policies .

  19. 正确认识货币供给与调控,对于有效的发挥宏观金融调控能力,深化我国金融体制改革具有重要的意义。

    The exact cognition of money supply and regulating has significance during the process of Chinese financial reform .

  20. 加强金融调控和监督可将激励机制从短期赌场资本主义转变为长期生产性投资,也会对此有所助益。

    Enhanced financial regulation and supervision that shift incentives from short-term casino capitalism to long-term productive investment will help .

  21. 以后应该通过谨慎的设计来保证有效的金融调控,其中考虑到业务周期。

    Careful thought should go into ensuring sound financial regulation going forward , which takes account of business cycles .

  22. 金融调控法的体系主要包括中央银行法和政策性银行法。

    Finally it points out that the system of banking control law includes central bank law and policy bank law .

  23. 从法律角度来看,金融调控要有效,需要具备两个基本前提。

    Seen from legal angle , financial control needs to have two basic premises so as to make it take effect .

  24. 其次,对商业银行行为的特点进行了分析,以此来探讨对金融调控产生的影响;

    Secondly , it analyzes the characteristics of commercial banks ' behavior so as to make the impact on financial control clear .

  25. 然后论述了在现代市场经济国家的宏观经济调控中,金融调控毫无疑问是处于该体系中的中心地位;

    Secondly , discusses that finance control act as a core role undoubtedly during macroeconomic control in the modern market economy nation ;

  26. 我国国债市场由于流动性水平较低,难以执行宏观金融调控功能。

    In China due to the low level of liquidity , government security can hardly exert the function of micro financial adjustment .

  27. 否则,不仅不能有效抑制投资膨胀,反而会对宏观金融调控施加很大反作用。

    Otherwise it would be impossible to effectively control the inflation of in-vestment and bring about great reactions to the macro-financial regulation measures .

  28. 金融调控手段主要有法定存款准备金率调控、再贴现率调控、公开市场业务调控等。

    And the monetary control means mainly includes legal reserve requirement rate control , rediscount rate control , and open market business control , etc.

  29. 新的金融调控政策看上去似乎距离日常生活比较遥远,但是这实际上意味着你的消费方式的重大改变。

    New financial regulations may seem removed from your everyday life , but this could mean some big changes in the way you spend money .

  30. 面对我国金融调控能力薄弱的现实,加强金融调控,规避金融风险显然是十分重要的。

    Facing the reality that financial control is lacking in ability , it 's very important obviously to strengthen financial control and evade financial risk .