
  • 网络financial regulations
  1. 金融规制理论探析

    On Banking Control Theory

  2. 从金融规制理论视角看银监会的规制功能创新

    The Functional Innovation of the Supervise and Regulation Committee of Banking in China Seen from the Theory of Financial regulation

  3. 引发这场危机的原因是多方面的,缺乏有效的金融规制与监管毫无疑问是其中之一。

    Although the causes of the crisis are multifaceted , the lack of efficient regulation and supervision is definitely one of them .

  4. 第一,市场经济本质上是法制经济,政府作为金融规制的供给方,通过金融法律的制定和监督执行,实施对银行并购的规制。

    First , market economy is essentially law economy and government regulate the bank M & As by constituting law and supervising its implementation .

  5. 事实上,无论是一国国内还是国际层面上的金融规制与监管框架都同时存在微观审慎与宏观审慎两个层面。

    In fact , the micro - and macro-prudential dimensions of financial regulatory and supervisory framework are co-existing at both domestic and international level .

  6. 主要阐述放松金融规制的内涵、原因及其对金融业融合的影响;其三,金融机构的并购活动。

    Major relaxed financial regulation on the content of the reasons for the financial industry and its integration ; Third , the financial institutions mergers .

  7. 一国的金融规制能力反映了政府干预经济活动的能力,以及履行政府宏观经济管理职能的能力和稳定经济、克服金融危机的能力。

    The regulation ability of a nation reflects the ability that government manages economic activities and the ability that government implements functions of macroeconomic management and stabilizes economy and conquers financial crisis .

  8. 同时,在后危机时代,各主要发达国家纷纷对其国内的金融规制进行改革,尤其是此次金融危机的发源地美国和受损失严重的英国。

    Meanwhile , in post-crisis era , the main developed countries begin the financial regulation reform one after another , especially the birthplace of this crisis America , and the large-loss country England .

  9. 随着金融规制的解除,金融工具的进步,金融风险的性质及其累计速度发生了很大变化,金融风险呈现组合爆炸的趋势。

    Along with the deregulation of restricts and improvement of financial instruments , there is a great change in the nature and calculation of the financial risks . Recently , the financial risks have presented a trend of " composing explosion " .

  10. 二是探讨基于信息不对称的非正规金融规制博弈模型,信息不对称会导致贷款前的逆向选择和贷款后的道德风险,逆向选择可能导致最没有还贷意愿的人取得贷款。

    At the same time of asymmetric information-based non-formal game model of financial regulation , asymmetric information before the loan would lead to moral hazard and adverse selection after the loan , adverse selection , repayment will not cause most people to obtain loans .

  11. 试论统筹区域发展的财税金融法律规制

    The Legislature on Finance , Tax Revenue and Banking to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  12. 随着经济全球化的发展,国际贸易障碍逐渐消除,金融市场规制放松,而跨国投资活动日趋活跃。

    With the development of economic globalization , trade barriers are eliminated gradually , the international finance market is in a process of deregulation , and the cross-border capital flows much more freely than before .

  13. 转型经济中金融成长的规制与深化

    Regulating and Deepening on Finance Maturity

  14. 外国许多金融衍生工具规制的法律制度也为我国提供了可借鉴的成功经验。

    The successful experiences of foreign legal systems of financial derivatives regulation are also provided for our country .

  15. 这些国家和国际组织对金融衍生交易规制的相同点在于,十分注重交易所和行业协会的监督作用。

    These countries and international organization have common in the regulation of financial derivatives , which is attaching great importance to the supervision of exchange and guild .

  16. 具体的监管制度包括资本充足率监管、集团内部关联交易规制、加重责任制度以及金融反垄断规制等。

    There is some special supervision : solvency ratios and capital adequacy , anti - ' Intra-group ' transactions system , enhanced obligations system , financial antitrust system .

  17. 对金融信用的规制还需要外部调控、约束和管理制度,通常是政府和自律组织为了防止失信行为泛滥、信用市场的无序竞争和不正当竞争而进行的调控、监督和管理制度。

    It needs a exterior adjusted , consrained and administrated system , namely the government and self-disciplined organization usually construct a adjusted , supervised , administrated system for preventing non-credit , out-of-order competition and unreasonable competition .

  18. 该部分一方面重申和总结了全文的主题和思路;一方面对加强整个民间金融的法律规制,从而充分发挥民间金融的积极作用做出展望。

    On the one hand , it reaffirms and summarizes the theme and idea of the whole article ; On the other hand , it gives an outlook of strengthening the legal rules and regulations of non-governmental finance and the fully-playing positive role of non-governmental fund-raising .

  19. 第一章,金融应急管理法律规制的基本概念。

    Chapter I The concept Interpretation of legal regulation on financial emergency management .

  20. 通过案例的引入和分析,将会更好地为这一课题提供一种直观的视角,更好地解决这一金融衍生形式的规制问题。

    We can offer a much more direct angle through case and analysis for better solving financial derivative regulation problem .

  21. 要避免旧体制在银监会的传染和复制,必须实现国有金融所有者与金融规制者的身份分割,实现国有金融在竞争性金融领域的退出。

    In order to prevent infection and copying of old regime , role segregation of owner and controller of the state-owned finance must be realized , and exit of state-owned finance from competitive finance field must be realized .

  22. 在公共金融这一政府规制与控制的领域,只有实现新的金融政策与新的金融技术方法,才能避免公共金融政策实施中的低效率与腐败。

    In the public finance sector , which is regulated and controlled by the government , only after the new financial policy and new financial techniques are applied can low efficiency and corruption be avoided in the implementation of the public financial policy . 2 .

  23. 为了金融体系的长期稳健,需要对目前的金融规制与监管架构进行重大调整,而加强宏观审慎的规制与监管将是至关重要的。

    Their proper implementation for a more robust financial system will require significant changes in the current regulatory and supervisory framework , while the strengthening of macro-prudential regulation and supervision will be essential .

  24. 从现行的法律法规来看,非正规的金融组织未经政府批准或未被纳入金融监管进行规制,因此被贬称为“地下金融”或“草根金融”而蒙上了非法的阴影。

    From the present law we can see that the non-regular financial organization is not granted by the government and is not controlled by the financial supervision .

  25. 金融危机凸现出美国金融监管制度在风险覆盖范围、监管机构配合、金融创新立法规制方面存在巨大缝隙。

    The financial crisis indicates that there is a huge vacuum of supervision in the risk coverage , the cooperation of regulatory authorities , and financial innovation legislation in America .

  26. 日益开放的国际金融市场需要我国建立更加开放、更加健全的服务体制,信息就是其中一项关键技术,因此对国际金融信息法律规制提出了更高的要求。

    The increasing open international financial markets require China to construct a service system with more opening and sounder . Information is one of the key techniques . So , it asks for a higher level legal regulation of the international financial information .