
  • 网络Department of finance;Finance Department
  1. 本文作者为北京大学(PekingUniversity)金融系教授

    The writer is a professor of finance at Peking University

  2. 凯斯西储大学魏德海管理学院(CaseWesternReserveUniversity'sWeatherheadSchoolofManagement)银行与金融系主任阿努拉格??古普塔(AnuragGupta)说,与企业一样,商学院“必须与时俱进,顺应市场”。

    Like companies , business schools ' have to change with the times and go where the market is , ' says Anurag Gupta , chair of the banking and finance department at Case Western Reserve University 's Weatherhead School of Management .

  3. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一&与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes & the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  4. 讽刺的是,当陈家乐担任香港科技大学金融系主任的时候,他帮助建立了该校最著名的联合课程之一——与纽约大学斯特恩商学院(NYUStern)合作教学的环球金融学硕士课程。

    The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes - the master of science in global finance , taught jointly with NYU Stern .

  5. 我叫金·马丁,是这里金融系四年级学生。

    I 'm a senior finance major here at the university .

  6. 湖北大学商学院金融系;

    Department of Finance , School of Business , Hubei University ;

  7. 国际金融系的学生是否都到了?

    Are all students of the Department of International Finance here ?

  8. 其他同学对我的看法就好比我看待金融系学生一样。

    How other students see me is similar to how I see finance students .

  9. 大学的金融系通常表现都差不多。

    University finance departments often behave similarly .

  10. 22岁的秦夏(音译)就读于人民大学金融系。

    Qin Xia , 22 , is a finance major at Renmin University of China .

  11. 随着我国金融系行业的快速发展,银行间的竞争已趋于白热化。

    Along with the rapid development of the financial system industry , competition among banks has become intense .

  12. 多德是该校商学院的副院长,同时兼金融系主任。

    Dodd was Associate Dean of the Graduate School of business , and head of the Department of finance .

  13. 现在,51岁的她是科罗拉多州立大学金融系主任。

    Today , at51 , she is chair of the finance department at Colorado State University in Fort Collins .

  14. 这位就读于重庆工商大学金融系、20岁的男生在话剧《收信快乐》中扮演李政国一角。

    The 20-year-old finance major at Chongqing Technology and Business University played the role of Li Zhengguo in Love Letter .

  15. 金融系学生有另一个常见的比喻:市场是一个投票机,参与者可以借此记录下各自不同的看法。

    A different metaphor is common among students of finance . The market is a voting machine , which allows participants to record their diverse views .

  16. 作为一名金融系学生,她认为创行团队的终极目标是通过“授人以渔”,而为社会带来积极而长远的影响。

    The finance major believes that the ultimate goal of Enactus is to have a lasting positive impact on society by teaching people " how to fish . "

  17. 中央财经大学应用金融系主任韩复龄教授强调了合理的组织结构的重要性。

    Han Fuling , professor and dean of the Applied Finance Department at the Central University of Finance and Economics , stressed the importance of a sensible organizational structure .

  18. 沃伦现在看到的那本简章上说,他最喜爱的作者本杰明格雷厄姆就在哥伦比亚大学金融系任教。

    According to the catalogue Warren had now picked up , the man who had become his favorite author , Ben Graham , was lecturing in finance at Columbia University .

  19. 我是学金融系的我们常常认为的文化相对主义的发生在国际商业公司的域名时,为了竞争,通过道德的国家,他们在运作。

    We often think of cultural relativism as occurring in the international business domain when companies , in order to compete , adopt the ethics of country in which they are operating .

  20. 在俄亥俄州立大学攻读完博士学位之后,陈家乐先是在美国工作,随后回到香港,加入香港科技大学金融系,后来担任该系主任。

    Following his PhD at Ohio State University , Kalok Chan worked in the US before returning to Hong Kong to join Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 's finance department , of which he later became head .

  21. 现在在运筹及金融工程系,读大三。

    I 'm a junior in the Operations Research and Financial Engineering Department .

  22. “金融单据”系指汇票、本票、支票或者其他用于获得付款的类似票据。

    Financial documents'means bills of exchange , promissory notes , cheques , or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment of money .

  23. 并以浙江金融职业学院金融系大学一年级一个自然班32名学生为研究对象,为期四个月(从2008年3月至2008年6月总共16周)的教学改革。

    The subjects of this study are 32 non-English-major freshmen of one natural class in one Professional College in Zhejiang from China . The teaching experiment lasted four months , totally 16 weeks , from March , 2008 to June , 2008 .

  24. 华东师范大学国际金融研究所;华东师范大学金融学系;

    Yin Desheng , Associate Professor , Institute of International Finance , East China Normal University , and Finance Department , East China Normal University .

  25. 第九,要承认你们机构的安全系于一个更稳定的金融体系,而更稳定的金融体系系于银行杠杆的降低。

    Acknowledge that the safety of your institution depends on a more stable financial system , and that a more stable financial system depends on a reduction in banking leverage .

  26. 对建设新疆特色金融学科体系的思考&以新疆财经学院金融系为例

    Thoughts on Issues Concerning the Construction of Financial Discipline System Characteristic of Xinjiang & Taking Banking Department as an Example