
jīn rónɡ ɡuǎn zhì
  • Financial regulation;monetary control
  1. 6月份可以放开金融管制。

    You can take the financial brakes off in June .

  2. 从20世纪70年代开始,西方国家出现了放松金融管制(FinancialDeregulation)的浪潮。在这一背景下,影子银行作为金融创新的一种新尝试,应运而生,并得以迅猛发展。

    From the beginning of the 20 century 70 years , the western countries have experienced the wave of financial deregulation ( Financial Deregulation ) . In this context , the shadow banks , as a new attempt of financial innovation , came into being , and rapid development .

  3. 但是,实施金融管制也是有代价的。

    However , the implementation of financial regulation also has cost .

  4. 转型经济中的金融管制

    Financial Regulation under Transitional Economy in China

  5. 金融管制政策研究

    A Study on Financial Regulation Policy

  6. 而产权结构单一、金融管制等政策弱化了竞争对绩效的正向影响;

    Moreover , the ownership structure and financial regulation policy depress the positive effect of competition .

  7. 金融管制的经济学分析

    An Economic Study on Financial Regulation

  8. 金融管制的变革是中国经济市场化转型中的一个有机组成部分,论文以中国经济的转型为背景,着重考察中国金融管制制度的确立和演进。

    The reform of financial regulation is an organic part of market-oriented transition of Chinese economy .

  9. 在经济危机期间,他的言论主要围绕金融管制和改革。

    During the economic crisis , most of his public comments centered around financial regulation and reform .

  10. 随着金融管制的放松,银行业务竞争日益加剧。

    The competition of the banks business has been gradually increased as the relaxing of financial regulation .

  11. 因此,必须依靠金融管制限制和消除金融创新带来的风险。

    Therefore , we must rely on financial regulation to limit and eliminate the risks of financial innovation .

  12. 利率市场化、放松金融管制、开放国内资本市场、加强对全球金融的统一监管成为大势所趋。

    Opening up interest rate market , relaxing foreign exchange control , opening domestic capital market is overwhelming .

  13. 这形成了金融管制需求的经济理论。

    It is the failure that forced the authority transfer its emphasis from the market to the financial institutes .

  14. 本文认为,在社会偏好上,美国出于对市场权力过分集中(垄断)的反感,决定了政府多年来的金融管制措施,由此形成了特定的管制制度;

    To control the market power over concentration , the American government adopts strict measures of financial regulation over past years .

  15. 本文认为,金融管制在历史上起到了避免破坏性竞争的作用,现在仍然需要金融管制发挥这种作用。

    This paper deem that regulation has avoid destructible competition in history and its necessary to continue develop this function today .

  16. 外部因素包括金融管制、银行信贷模式及中小企业信用制度与信用担保体系。

    The external factors contains financial control , bank credit mode and the credit system and credit guarantee system of SMEs .

  17. 发达国家通过金融管制的放松、市场的深化,金融自由化大都获得了成功;

    With release of the financial control and market deepening , the financial liberalism took by developed countries acquired the success mostly ;

  18. 这些强硬的制裁措施包括对俄罗斯顶级能源供应商实行金融管制,这些措施于周一通过并计划于周二开始实施。

    The stiffen sanctions including financial restriction on Russian top energy suppliers are reported to be adopted on Monday and implemented Tuesday .

  19. 该原则被用于推行基本劳动标准、金融管制(反恐)法律的域外效力。

    But it is now used as a base for extraterritoriality of basic labor standard and financial regulating ( anti-terrorism ) act .

  20. 金融管制的目的不是限制竞争和保护垄断,而是为了保证金融体系的安全与稳健。

    The purpose of regulation isn 't restrict competition and protect oligopoly , but assure the safe and stabilization of financial system .

  21. 大多数国家为此放松了金融管制,因而混业经营成为全球金融业发展新趋势。

    Therefore , most countries loosen their financial supervision and mixed operation begins to be a tendency in financial industries all around world .

  22. 股票发行市场中存在的金融管制、信息不对称和股权分置带来的投资风险造成了一级市场发行价格确定的低效性。

    Financial regulations and investment risks due to information asymmetry and the segmentation of equity lead to severe IPO underpricing in the primary market .

  23. 结论表明,放松金融管制对货币控制的影响是复杂的,但并不是简单的失效,但是增强货币控制须有一定的条件。

    We make conclusions that the effection is complicated ; it 's not simply harmed , but to enhance monetary control has certain conditions .

  24. 在金融管制的各项措施中,没有任何一项措施像资本充足性监管这样令人关注。

    In the various measure of the financial regulation , there is no any other measure but the capital adequacy regulation could call attention .

  25. 但是从20世纪80年代以来,受布雷顿森林体系瓦解的影响,许多国家放宽或取消金融管制。

    Since the 80s in the 20 century , due to the Breeden forest system collapsed , many country either relaxed or abandoned the regulation .

  26. 随着越来越多的国家金融管制的放松,金融全球化不断深入,全球证券市场一体化程度加深。

    As more and more countries relaxed their financial control , the financial globalization and the internalization of global securities market are developing in depth .

  27. 开放贸易及资本的流动、放松对国内产业和金融管制不仅促进了同时标志着全球化。

    The freeing of trade and capital flows and the deregulation of domestic industry and finance have both spurred globalisation and come to symbolise it .

  28. 他们下注投资而等待,期望着一旦中国解除外汇管制与金融管制,上海浦东会立刻成为一个有领导地位的金融中心。

    They invest and wait , on the expectation that when China drops exchange and banking controls , Shanghai-Pudong will immediately become a leading financial center .

  29. 自20世纪90年代,西方发达国家开始对金融管制进行不断放松,全世界范围内开始了银行并购的浪潮。

    Since the 1990s of twentieth century , western developed countries have relaxed the financial controls gradually and the wave of merge of banks sweeps the word .

  30. 由于金融管制的解除,没有了国家的密切监管,资本主义的金融部门就会出现内在的不稳定。

    Due to the removal of the financial control of the country , did not have the close supervision , capitalist financial department will appear internal stability .